Magister's Enclave

This ornate and exclusive enclave of Kirisian mages feels like an anachronism amongst the modern cities of the Zone. The Concordant Mandate against the divine rights of kings and those of noble blood didn't apply to the meritocratic Magisters of Kiris. They continue to be led by the most powerful arcane spellcasters among them.

Bond Servants

Although the practice of slavery is outlawed in the Concordance, the Kirisians get around it by allowing bond service. Bond servants are contracted to serve their bond holder until their contract is purchased. They can theoretically purchase their own contract, but it's an uncommon occurence. Most bond servants live their entire lives under contract.

Second-Best at Sorcery

The Magisters of Kiris pride themselves for the quality and power of their arcanists. The existence of Wizard's Peak University and the puissance of their graduates is a thorn in the side of the Kirisians. The rigidity of thought and lack creativity among the Magisters has always been their weakness.

Monstrous Residents

Humans and drow elves make up the majority of the city's populace. The Enclave includes residents considered monsters everywhere else in the world. Sentient undead, lycanthropes, aswang, and hags live openly throughout the city. As long as they do not break the Concordant Mandates or the laws of the Southwest Canton, they are considered valuable members of society.

Goblins and kobolds enter the Enclave for work at dawn every day, but are not allowed to sleep in the city. Skeletal undead and mindless constructs make up the balance of the workforce.

Related Ethnicities
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Traditions
Kirinal Concordance Zone

The Kirinal Concordance Zone was created around the Kirinal Pit to act as a buffer zone to defend against interplanar invasions. The Pit is a 30-mile hole in reality that chaotically manifests a different world or plane at random times.

Eventually, the people of Erathia tamed the Pit, setting it on a schedule so that an ordered succession of planes would appear over the Days of the Week.

Magister's Dominion
Organization | Jul 28, 2023

Dark wizards of Kiris protect the Wall with legions of undead and armies of bondservant goblinoids.

Goblin Town
Settlement | Nov 26, 2022

An underground shanty town and home of the goblin servants and soldiers who work in Magister's Enclave by day.

Cover image: Magister's Enclave Header by Chris L - Midjourney


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