The Navigator of Worlds conducts the Pit through the multiverse. Every morning, the Divers determine if it's a day of war or peace.
Masked magisters command armies of undead and goblinoid troopers at the southeastern Wall of the Pit.
The rich and powerful knights of the Order of light lead a force of well-paid mercenaries in defense of their interests.
The traditional powers of old Lozar stand at the Fortress of Kirinal.
Keepers of the natural world man a fortress woven from living trees where the Kirinal River rises out of the Pit.
The stout fortress of the dwarves clings to the northeast rim of the Kirinal Pit. It's walls have never been breached.
The orcs of Borthakar built a mighty fortress on the northwest edge of the Pit.
Worshippers of Anam, the God of Justice, are responsible for the eastern fortress on the Kirinal Pit.
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Background image: Chagroth's Tower by Gillian Galang