Bad Shatter
A "Bad Shatter" is the colloquial term for what is technically a "Horn 3" in the Diver's Cypher. The official defintion of a Horn 3 state of alert is: "The apocalypse is imminenent or has already begun. The civilian populace of the Kirinal Concordance Zone must flee by any means possible. Every soldier must report to their assigned fortress prepared to give their lives for the Concordance." The Surveyor has only sounded three horns one time.
Everyone likes to throw around the term "Bad Shatter" but they don't know what the frak they're talking about. A real Horn 3 means that the world is ending and everything we've built together gets sucked into a hell dimension or eaten by some Far Realm abomination. We get a Horn 2 every few months and the Zone has had a real "Day of War" every year that I've lived here. Get over yourselves folks, it was just a bad day, not the end of the world!
The Kirinal Concordance Zone is built around the barely controlled chaos of the Kirinal Pit. The Orrery of Worlds controls the Days of the Week and uses the day of Shatter as a release valve for the multiversal pressures that build up within it.
The Navigator of Worlds stands in Chagroth's Tower every day before dawn. He personally performs the Ritual of Manifestation before every Shatter and directs the Manifest as well as he can. As the multiverse opens up to him and the lens of the Pit focuses on a world, Chagroth picks the best possible landing spot. Sometimes all he has are bad options.
Once the new Manifest has emerged, Two, The Surveyor of Worlds takes flight with his Divers to determine what the new world is and how the Concordance will respond to it. He announces the Surveyor's Call and blows the Horn of Kirinal. He has only called for a "Horn 3" one time.
That column of flesh is the kind of horror I'm here for >:D
Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Thanks! My kid came up with and drew that. I'm very proud.
View my submissions for World Anvil WorldBuilding Awards 2025.
Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak.