Tiamat, the Five-Headed Mother, is an Outsider God. She is worshipped mainly by dragons and dragonborn, especially on the island of Darastrix Tolgalen.
God of Justice, Paladins, and Soulforged. The divine patron of Lozar and the greatest champion of mortals among the gods.
The newborn goddess of the Silversong Moon. She represents second chances, twilight, and changelings.
Goddess of nature and the natural world.
God of the Sun, Light, and Healing, his aspects include the Flame, the Source, and the Lover.
God of Evil, Knowledge, Undeath
The reborn Lord of Lies is the first god to return after the God's Withdrawal. He has manifested as a half soulforged being.
God of Dance, Wine, Acting
The Greatest of the Great Old Ones slept inside Erathia. The world was the egg of his rebirth. One day the Host of the Far Realm came to hatch him.
Thaya, dead goddess of the Shattered Moon.
God of Death, Fate, and Knowledge
Goddess of the Sea, patron of travellers.
Patron saint of protection, travelers, and commoners.
Patron saint of law, justice, and honor
Patron saint of retribution, punishment, hunters
Patron saint of mercy, healing, goodness.
Patron saint of kings, nobility, leadership, honor, and war.
God of commerce, trade, bankers, and money.
God of Music, Dreams, and Sleep
God of Civilization, Laws, and Cities
God of War, Fighting, and Battles
God of Rogues, Tricks, and Luck
Goddess of the Harvest, Marriage, and Halflings
Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Sex
God of Storms, Lightning, and Thunder
God of Hunters, Elves, and Travelers.
God of Smithing, Invention, and Dwarves
God of Creation, the first god, father of the other gods, and progenitor of the world.
The dead god of fire, magic, and knowledge. One of the gods killed by the Bakunawa on the Night of the Shattered Moon.
God of War and Conquest, patron of orcs and tyrants.
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