Feshluf (fesh-luhf)

Spooktober 2021 Day 12: Rot & Afterlife

The Plague, The Corruptor

Symbol: Circle pierced by three triangles

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Portfolio: Disease, corruption, pestilence

Worshippers: Insane cultists

The Corruptor slides from shadow to shadow on the edge of your vision.

Look for him. You will never find him, but he is always there.

The cloying smell of rot underneath heavy spices.

The wheezing gasp of a feverish child.

Feshluf waits for all of us.

-Litany of the Corruptor

The insane god of diseases crept through history in the shadows. Occasionally, he would throw off his ragged hood to reveal his pock marked face in times of plague when his power was at its height.

Few actively worshipped the plague, prayers and offerings were given to him begging for his absence.

The Death of Feshluf

Feshluf died in an incongruosly heroic manner on the Night of the Shattered Moon. He and Braza dove into a ravening horde of abominations to save the Progenitor, Diben Maraud.

The Creator God blasted his way to safely, but his two saviors perished. Feshluf's body fell into he Lake of Red Tears in Kiris. The waters of the lake became boiling blood and The Magocracy of Kiris became a plague zone beset by hundreds of different diseases. (It was at this time that the Magisters began wearing masks.)

Divine Domains

Death, War

3E Info

Lesser Deity (8)

Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE

Domains: Death, Destruction, Pestilence

Favored Weapon: Spiked Chain

Rogue 10/ Assassin 10/ Cleric 10

Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Date of Death
24th of Mutarber, 3035
Year of Death
3035 FA
Place of Death
Blood shot and rheumy.
Thin, patchy, gray, and long.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale and pock-marked

Cover image: World of Wizard's Peak Generic Header by Gillian Galang


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