The Tambanakua sits in the volcano that bears its name. It looks up at the sky and wishes to eat the lights that it sees. It desires the sun most of all.
This moon-eating lion spirit is one of the mythical Celestial Gluttons. At heart, it's just an enormous kaiju cat.
Tambanokano is one of the Seven Celestial Gluttons. The star-eating crab sits at the bottom of the deepest trench in the ocean, eating anything that comes within reach of its greedy claws.
The great serpent that ate six of the seven moons before being slain by Thaya, the last moon goddess. It returned as a weapon of the Far Realm during the Far War and succeeded in shattering her moon before they died in combat against each other.
The seven celestial gluttons seek to eat the stars, the moons, and the sun.
The Greatest of the Great Old Ones slept inside Erathia. The world was the egg of his rebirth. One day the Host of the Far Realm came to hatch him.
This aberrant eagle is one of the Seven Celestial Gluttons. It dwells in a pocket dimension in the Far Realm and seeks to eat the maddening lights in the sky: the sun, the moons, and the stars.
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Background image: Chagroth's Tower by Gillian Galang