Trans-Krosian Railway

In the past few decades, the Trans-Krosian Railway has allowed everyone, from the highest noble to the humblest peasant, to traverse the continent of Krosia with ease and comfort. The arcane Ring Railways here in the Kirinal Concordance Zone form the nucleus of a continental rail system that connects our peoples, fuels our economy, and bolsters our defenses.

Instructor of Recruits

The TKR is the lifeline that links the Zone to the outside world. We Kirinalos are great at fighting, trading, and salvaging whatever the Pit brings us. We ain't so good at growing our own food or supplying our own wood or iron! You can find a lazer sword or lich dust in any of the Embassy Cities. But lumber, pig iron, and fresh troops come in on the TKR!

Sgt. Kill Flayer

The Trans-Krosian Railway (TKR) began as an offshoot of the Outer Ring Railway that connected the "slices" of the Kirinal Concordance Zone to each other and to their home regions throughout the continent of Krosia.

Before the rise of the Concordance for Survival Treaty, rail technology was primitive, and rarely had connections outside of their home nations. In a world ravaged by wars between nations, races, and the living and the dead, there was little reason to facilitate transport for your possible enemies.

The War Against the Far Realm changed that, fostering an alliance for survival amongst previous rivals. If the people of the world had not united to repel the Far Realm, the world of Erathia would not have survived.

Main Routes

The main hub of the TKR remains the KCZ that it originated from. The main routes go north to Wizard's Peak, east to Amaston, south to New Kirinal, and west to Molndal.

The Railway then extends north and west throughout the Sovranty of Lozar. It connects the eastern nations of Kiris and the Banners of Ural. To the north, it reaches the Empire of Borthakar, the Satrapy of Ta-Arma, and the Alian Tribes.


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