Blue Goblins

As long as there have been goblins, a small number of them have been born with blue skin and vast mental powers. In times past, when the goblins were a "malevolent" people, blue goblins were a wild card in any battle and were always the first target of any smart tactician. Amongst the goblins themselves, they have been feared, hated, worshipped, and idolized. Sometimes all at the same time.

In the bad old days orcs and goblins fought against each other just as often as we fought with each other. Back then, a blue goblin's head was a prized trophy. There are quite a few monuments and taverns called "The Blue Goblin's Scalp" or "The Blue Goblin's Skull" back in the Empire. It's a little embarrassing to explain it to my blue buddies here in the Zone.

For some reason, goblins with psionic powers always have blue skin. This is not always the case for other species of mortals, but it does happen with goblins. The blue can vary from freckles, to stripes, to shading, or even full blue skin all over the body. Usually, the stronger the power, the more blue the goblin becomes. The blue skin usually manifests with the powers at puberty, but occasionally a full blue baby is born, destined to be a mind mage of incredible power.

Blue goblins are very rare with only a handful of them appearing every generation throughout most of the world. However, in the Satrapy of Ta-Arma and in the Kirinal Concordance Zone, they are born with a much higher frequency. Up to a dozen a year have developed powers in both locations over the past few decades.

Some say that this is caused by sapphire dragons who sleep in either location, causing the goblins to mutate with their own blue psionic power. No evidence of any blue gem dragons has been found in either place.

Hated, Feared, and Worshipped

Regular green goblins have mixed feelings about the blues who are born among them. Some welcome the power and prestige they bring to their traditionally subservient people. Others resent the blues for thinking that they are "better than us" and seek to exterminate any blues found among them.

Those who survive the jealousy of their peers often rise to leadership positions. The goblin impulse to follow the strongest of their kind easily transfers to blue goblins.

Traditionally, other mortal species have viewed blue goblins as a threat. The memory of goblin raiders led by a blue throwing bolts of mental energy has been burned into the collective fear of nations and empires worldwide.

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Jul 29, 2024 22:08

You mentioned you wrote this fast, but I would fix "In times past, when the goblins were a "malevolent" peope"   Typos in the opening intro are 100 times worse than typos anywhere else.

Jul 30, 2024 03:40 by Chris L

Thanks for the catch. Fixed it!

Jul 29, 2024 23:13 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Aw, poor blue goblins,not well-liked by their own people. I'm glad that they have found more of a place in the Zone.

Emy x
Explore Etrea | WorldEmber
Jul 30, 2024 03:41 by Chris L

Yeah, that's one of the refuges they have. I have to write another one.

Jul 30, 2024 09:53 by Cait Brinsmead

I really like the idea of the blue presenting as freckles or stripes. I really like this article!

Brins x
Jul 30, 2024 13:53 by Chris L

Thank you! The idea (a lot of these blue goblin ideas) came from one of my players who's running a goblin campaign in my world!

Jul 31, 2024 00:58 by E. Christopher Clark

Poor blues! Nicely done on this article, though. I know you said you've got lots to work on here, but I think you're definitely on the right track.

Jul 31, 2024 13:00 by Chris L

Thanks! I'm getting lots of inspiration for these from Marvel's Merry Mutants!

Aug 28, 2024 16:49

Great work on this and all the related articles. There is some interesting history to explore already and I'm sure anything you add will be just as intriguing

Feel free to stop by and read some of my strangely cold themed WorldEmber articles, like the mysterious Armored Forest, the wayward mage Jak of the Rime, or the deadly Trapper's Bane. For those that want to get away from the cold you could always ask Damien Dreamblossom if he has a recommendation for you...
Aug 31, 2024 15:15 by Chris L

Between my campaigns and WA challenges, I'll never be at a loss for ideas!

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