The mysterious Blood Siren leads a clan of vampires and aswang secretly embedded in the world's most powerful organizations. She hides behind the guise of the famous performer Aleonera Molndal.
The Concordant Academy of Command trains the next generation of the Concordance's leaders.
There is a Heaven that doesn't Manifest in the Kirinal Pit. The gods do not dwell there. The souls have gone. The temples crumble. The sky flickers as the lights go out.
The Clockwork Road is a pathway through the multiverse available only to sentient machines.
Cultures from across the world and the multiverse merge in the Zone. How does one find romance when you're not even sure if the object of your affection is compatible?
The soulforged, #3,562 stands watch on the Clockwork Road. Over the decades he has mysteriously grown in size to colossal proportions.
The town of Spellhaven Station grew up around the train station that shares its name.
The most famous beacon finder in the Zone is Shepherd Numan, a soulforged family man who always finds his mark.
The evil Master of Monster Mountain sent five minions to scour the Zone and capture the five best players of "hoops" to become a part of his menagerie. Fortunately the "Bull and the Bunny" teamed up to stop them.
WorldEmber 2021 Hub & Pledge
My Hub for Summer Camp 2023!
My Hub for the Spooktober 2024 prompts. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet, just getting into the vibe! I'm thinking a mixture of RPG prompts, stories, poems, and drawings. Let's see!
My responses to the Spooktober 2022 prompts!
Lola's Comfy Kitchen serves home cooked meals and tropical drinks on the bank of the river. It's a thatched roof hut and sometimes Lola's friend, a giant gator, swims the tavern on it's back to a new location.
The Ghost Boy of Kirinal seeks out interesting people and joins them on their adventures, whether they want him to or not! His adventures are documented in a popular series of books.
My reading challenge and shortlist of winners for the "Tradition that represents moral decay" prompt.
Kuya Buwaya the patron alligator of Lola's Comfy Kitchen has gone missing! Where could he be? Can you help us find him?
Your three-day journey to the Shattered Moon is interrupted by a brutal massacre. You are trapped on a skyship with a notorious killer. Can you survive?
A coalition of light and dark forces who temporarily banded together to avenge the death of the moon goddess.
This nation of sailors has spread throughout the known world, bringing the songs, customs, and magic of their homeland wherever they go.
The skyship Blackjack carries many secrets as its captain seeks to unravel her family's mysteries and meet her destiny.
WorldEmber 2020 Pledge Document and Article Hub
My reading list and shortlist for the ethnicity challenge.
Trickster, hero, avatar. What about you? Gemini Dolgathason mixed magic with his skills as a thief in the service of Chagroth and eventually the god Naraky. His exploits have become the stuff of legends.
Reading Summer Camp 2023 articles from other worldbuilders.
I'm using the World Anvil 2023 February Challenge as an opportunity to get back into drawing. Here are daily (hopefully) sketches of creatures and monsters in the World of Wizard's Peak.
A 30-mile hole in reality ringed by fortresses and cities. The world's greatest threat and resource.
The wealthy powerful knights of the Order of Light defend the world from extradimensional invaders, while also making a healthy profit.
The garb of the Red Feather Battlemaster, the mightiest war mage in the world.
This river brings traffic into the Zone from the northwest regions of Arro, Amredhel, and Silver Range.
My Summer Camp 2022 Pledge Document - KCZ, Maharlitech, Moon Shards, and the Dragon Empire
Articles I'm reading from other writers for Summer Camp 2022.
World of Wizard's Peak got nominated for 4 categories in the WorldAnvil Worldbuilding Awards 2022.
My 2022 WorldEmber Hub and Pledge.
A soulforged paladin who fights for justice. New to the ways of meat mortals, he is horrified by biological processes.
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Background image: Chagroth's Tower by Gillian Galang