
The mechanical monstrosity known as Mecha-Tiamat was forged as a construct avatar, enabling the multiversal goddess Tiamat to bypass the Divine Gate and manifest her power within the Crystal Sphere of Kirinal. The Gate existst to prevent the gods and elder evils from directly influencing the world. However, Malfador, the God of Lies, has discovered several methods to circumvent it. The Dragon Goddess' bargain with Malfador has given her a path back into the world, a path that must be stopped!

This "return of the gods" bunk has us orcs on edge. We've spent over a century free from the whispers of old Az and Ar-Tamak in our heads, but now the old Tyrant's followers are getting louder in the Empire. Ar-Tamak is in the Triumverate with Tiamat and Malfador the Sunburnt. I just hope the old tyrant doesn't show up in a shiny metal suit too.

The Divine Gate protects the mortals of Erathia from the depredations of the Elder Evils and also tempers the influence of the gods. Tiamat, the multiversal Queen of Evil Dragons, seeks to bypass these restrictions by commissioning a construct avatar. This would allow her to project her power into the Crystal Sphere of Kirinal, granting her unfettered access to the mortal world, free from the interference of the gods of good.

The Divine Loophole

The God of Lies, Malfador, discovered several methods to bypass the restriction of the Divine Gate. He shared one of them with two other Lawful Evil gods Tiamat and Ar-Tamak, fellow Lawful Evil gods who he knew would follow the letter of any bargain they made. Together, they formed the Infernal Triumverate and schemed to usurp the power of the Hell Week Accords.

When the Accords went into affect, they surprised both their fellow devils and the Concordance for Survival by bringing through armies of Infernal Forces. Their legions scattered to build their strength and enact Malfador's mechanical loophole.

Malfador's discovery enabled the creation of construct/soulforged avatars, capable of houseing a deity's divine spark without being ejected by the Gate. However, he kept the specifics of his own power source secret, ensuring his advantage over his allies.

Avatar Assembled

Tiamat's forces, the Talons of Tiamat, scattered across Kaneyama, the Dragon Empire, Zabar, and Reaver's Deep. Each was tasked with raising armies and gathering components necessary to construct Tiamat's mechanical avatar, Mecha-Tiamat.

Father Ozniah Zug

The mad inventor was kidnapped and "perseaded" to lead the research. Once he realized he would have full access to dragons for experimentations, he eagerly joined the project.

General Shago

The blue abishai general oversaw the research facility, Shago's Lab, on an island near Kaneyama. He managed operations with brutal efficiency.

Psionic Power Sources

Father Oz experimented on psionic gem dragons, discovering they could fuel the avatar. Gem dragons, mind flayers, and blue goblins became prime targets for the Talons, who scoured the world for psychic beings to use as disposable batteries.

Kaneyaman Futurists

This group of technologists provided cutting-edge technology, including the base framework for the avatar.

Illithid Collaboration

The mind flayers struck a deal with Tiamat’s forces, sacrificing a weakened elder brain in exchange for an ancient dragon to undergo ceremorphosis.

Heroic Interference

The Rescue of Way

Tiamat's allies in the City of Ta-Arma began to round up all of the blue goblins they could find to send to General Shogo's Lab. This included the child psychic savant, Of the Hope the Way. When he was taken, Way's cousin Of the Forge the Spark led a rescue mission to rescue the blue goblin child. The crew of the Blackjack infiltrated the Lab and encountered Mecha-Tiamat Beta. The first iteration of the Avatar. They managed to free Way and barely escaped with their lives.

They were the first outsiders to discover the Mech-Avatar's existence and began to spread the word of the new threat from the Queen of Dragons. Henceforth, the Concordant forces kept tabs on developments in Kaneyama.

The Pit Patrol's Analysis

A separate group of heroes, the Pit Patrol Adventuring Company were sent on a mission to foil another attempt to power the avatar. This time they used an ancient topaz dragon contained in the chassis.

They infiltrated the avatar as it flew over the seas near Kaneyama. They entered the avatar in a miniaturized from the back way. Inside the chest cavity, they found a rapidly de-aging dragon. They managed to release it, but it was now a baby, but with all the memories of it's past glory. They escaped with the wyrmling while the depowered avatar fell out of the sky and to the bottom of the ocean.

The Ten Heads of Tiamat

Tiamat's true purpose in coming to Erathia is to break down the Boundary Monoliths of the Dragon Empire. With the dragonborn armies of Darastrix Tolgalen at her command, she aims to conquer the Kirinal Zone and wield the Kirinal Pit to ravage the multiverse.

Additionally, she seeks a younger, more innocent avatar of herself, long trapped on Darastrix Tolgalen. Unable to tolerate the existence of an impostor, she plans to devour this fragment and become the one true Tiamat.

Divine Classification

Cover image: Tiamat Header by Chris L


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