Father Ozniah Zug

Ozniah Zug (a.k.a. Father Oz)

My people, the soulforged, look upon the absent-minded genius Ozniah Zug, known as Father Oz, with equal parts of awe and repugnance by. He forges flesh, welds crystal, and carves metal with equal ease, stitching togehter monstrosities with no regard for convention or morals. Those who have met him detect no malice in his heart. He is said to have the most curious mind to have ever existed. He creates life for no other reason than because he can.

Father Oz scares my soulforged partner because that man creates true life with a true soul! His Bug Brothers may look like knock-off soulforged, but some of them have real souls! No one else has been able to figure out how he does it, but that crazy grave robber is a true genius!

Sgt. Kill Flayer

The mad artificer Father Ozniah Zug is the creator of the Bug Brothers, off-brand mechani-kin similar to soulforged. He created the first of them Bug Radley, and they consider him their father. He has a fascination with dragons, studyin their history and is always amongst the highest bidders for their corpses or body parts.

He has no regard for morals or laws, but he isn't evil. He will never hurt living things, but he has no problems dissecting and using any dead bodies that he comes across. Power people with no scruples have used this to their advantage by commissioning him to build monstrous weapons of war for them. When he is given an abbatoir of bodies to experiment with, he is too overjoyed to ever question how the bodies were obtained.

His creations have been found all over the world, from the Kirinal Concordance Zone to Kaneyama and even the Dragon Empire itself.

Father Oz Plot Hooks

Grave Robberies

Local graveyards and morgues report a rash of missing bodies. The players are hired to investigate, leading them straight to Father Oz.

Commissioned Creations

A rich merchant hires the party to retrieve an orphaned dragon wyrmling for use in one of Father Oz's experiments. Will they turn it over?

Malfunctioning Mechani-Kin

One of Father Oz's Bug Brothers has gone on a spree of destruction through the middle of town. The players must find a way to stop it and discover what caused the erratic behavior.

Soul Secrets

The party is tasked with uncovering the secret of how Father Oz imbues true souls into his creations. They uncover the secret of the draconic ruby that he wears around his neck.

Dragon Corpse Heist

Father Oz needs a dragon corpse for his next project and he doesn't care where it comes from. The players can find a dragon they can defeat or find a corpse they can buy or steal.

Artificial Army

An army of Bug Brothers, draco-hydras, and golems emerges on the borders of a helpless nation. Each manufactured soldier carries the signature of Father Oz. The party must locate his factory and stop it through any means necessary.

Creation Competition

Father Oz challenges the party to a contest of inventions. Can they match the infamous Father Oz?

Gray streaked with white!
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale and wrinkled

Cover image: Worldember 2023 Generic Header by Chris L
Character Portrait image: Father Ozniah Zug by Chris L - Heroforge


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Dec 17, 2023 02:17 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

The quotes really say a lot about the different viewpoints people have of this guy. I like all the adventure hooks - I definitely would fight not to give him the wyrmling!

Emy x
Explore Etrea | WorldEmber
Dec 17, 2023 15:29 by Chris L

He would feel like he was doing the wyrmling a favor! "Why are you crying baby dragon? You'll come out of this much stronger than you were!!"

Jan 12, 2024 12:04 by E. Christopher Clark

"Dragon Corpse Heist" is a one-shot I want to play like right now.

Jan 12, 2024 13:42 by Chris L

Noted! This guy is a favorite recurring ally/adversary across my campaigns! My players love/hate him, I just love him!

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