First Gifts Giving
The exchanging of gifts during Anamas has been a tradition for millenia, but the first Gifts Giving here in the Zone harnessed the magic of Anamas in a unique way. The ki-rin Moon Breeze wanted to give extra protection to all the children of the Zone and undertook the task hersefl. The annual ritual cements the unique bond between the mortals and spirits of the Kirinal Concordance Zone.
There's these magic spirits that give gifts to every kiddy in a large geographic region. And they do it all in one night! Who ever heard of such a thing! I'm pretty sure it's unique to us in all the multiverse! Don't tell me about the red guy with the horned minions. Don't trust him! He's obviously some kind of fiend!
Problems From Living at a Dimensional Crossroads
The First Anamas Gifts Giving took place a century or so ago. Earlier that year every child in the Zone had mysteriously disappeared out of their beds. That day was a bad Shatter, an eldritch evil manifested and the Kirinal Pit erupted with swarms of child-eating shadows.
The mortal forces of the Concordance watched helplessly as the shadows eluded all their attempts to stop or contain them. At that moment, the benevolent Heavenly Council of Ki-rins revealed themselves. For years the great Ki-rin Moon Breeze had been secretly assigning a Baku to every child that went through the Celebration of Children.
As the shadows closed in on the innocent, Moon Breeze and her ki-rins wove a mighty spell with the help of the bakus. They spirited the children away to safety on the plane of dreams. The hungry spirits subsided into relative docility. When the hostile plane faded away at the next dawn, the depleted ki-rins and baku released their spell and collapsed with exhaustion.
Gifts That Are Good for You
In order to prevent a similar calamity in the future. Over the rest of the year Moon Breeze commissioned protective charms for every child in the Zone. The Ki-Rin Forest rang with the sounds of industry. Minor celestials and fey manufactured small toys and trinkets. They focused on dolls, charms, dice and other kinds of toys or items that children would keep on them constantly.
The ki-rins enlisted the aid of other Great Spirits of the Zone to help enchant the items with protective magic. They also built in sympathetic enchantments that would allow the baku to draw on magic from more powerful spirits through the gifts.
The First Delivery
Moon Breeze delivered the first gifts herself to the children in her slice. Using the Magic of Anamas Eve to boost her power, she visited every child in the Eastern Canton to deliver their gifts. Other spirits around the Zone joined her in delivering protective gifts to each child in the Zone.
When she was done, the ki-rin felt her spirits lift with the outpouring of gratitude from all the parents and children that she was helping. The influx of good feelings convinced Moon Breeze and the other Spirits of the Zone to make a closer alliance with mortals than most of their kind.
Since then, the enterprise has continued every Anamas Eve. The Great Spirits all come together to make the gifts and distribute them. They now cover the Sovranty of Lozar and many of the surrounding nations on the fateful night. They hope to one day meet the legendary feat of the sainted elf who personally delivers gifts to every child on his world.
Write a myth or legend surrounding a figure of kindness, giving or hospitality. — #WorldEmberMyth
This was a lovely read. I was having a rough night, turned to my reading list, saw this, and was like "Let's read that right now." Thanks for this, man. Made me smile!
Awesome! Glad to help out!
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