Aleph Zero Syndicate

Agents of Bigotry in Erathia

The ethno-nationalist organization known as the Aleph Zero Syndicate claims to represent the true power of the world of Erathia. They long for a time when everyone knew their place and lived accordingly. There is no place in their ideology for a sentient construct such as myself or a civilized orc like my partner here. I despise them to the depths of my reborn soul.

Whenever someone says they "Miss the good old days." I immediately try to get away from them before my "fiery orcish bloodlust" and "savage untamed soul" inspire me to strangle them to death. Here in the real world we actually live in, it's illegal for me to just murder idiots.

Sgt. Kill Flayer

The Aleph Zero Syndicate, a formidable and bigoted secret society, claims to represent the true power of the world of Erathia. They yearn for a bygone era when the “races” and the “classes” were rigidly defined. They seek a return to the "Pax Lozaria," an age when the Kingdom of Lozar ruled benevolently.

However, their vision excludes sentient constructs and other “non-traditional” ancestries, fostering an atmosphere of animosity and exclusion.

We don't want to take away anyone's rights! We just think that we should have more and better rights!

— The Ore of Razun

Ideology and Goals

The Aleph Zero Syndicate's roots trace back to patriotic organizations from the homelands of the “Three Races” who long for a lost era. Founded by an unknown group from the “oldest houses”, their ideology revolves around reinstating the dominance of demi-humans, such as elves, dwarves, and men, while shunning "humanoid" races, including orcs, goblins, and Soulforged. The Syndicate sees these non-traditional races as "unnatural" and seeks their exile or extermination.

The Syndicate's ultimate goal is to take over the Kirinal Concordance Zone that they believe is rightly theirs. They seek to reshape Erathia into a hierarchical society, with demi-humans at the apex of power. They envision halflings and gnomes serving as loyal supporters, while half-breeds and extra-dimensional beings are relegated to isolated enclaves. Their propaganda-driven narrative aims to create division and animosity between various races and incite discontent within the Zone.

You can put an orc in a suit, but it will never be a gentleman.

— The Blood of Taristrae

Media Creation and Social Strategies

Central to the Syndicate's strategy is the publication of their notorious weekly parasitic newsletter, "Aleph Zero Revelations." Filled with conspiracy theories, jingoistic propaganda, and falsehoods, this arcane publication seeks to sway public opinion and rally supporters to their cause. Their discontent is particularly directed towards the newly prosperous elites of the Kirinal Concordance Zone, whom they view as usurpers of the Pax Lozaria's rightful power.

They have taken the names of old patriotic organizations from the homelands of the "Three Races". The use of "The Blood of Taristrae", "The Ore of Razun", and "The Root of Eladriel" energizes engagement with their brand. The members of those groups have made futile semi-serious attempts at distancing themselves from the Syndicate. But as their numbers swell and their coffers fill up, their protestations grow quiet.

We saved the world for ourselves and our trueborn heirs. Not for these bastards, half-breeds, and mongrels.

— The Root of Eladriel

Opposing Thoughts

As the Syndicate's influence spreads, they face opposition from the forward-thinking organizations in the Zone. The Zone Ministry and trade societies within the Kirinal Concordance Zone grapple with finding ways to counteract the Syndicate's narratives while upholding their values of equality and inclusivity.

Discordant Impact

The Aleph Zero Syndicate's emergence has led to social unrest and political tensions within the Zone. Incidents of violence and conflict have arisen due to clashes between the “Blood, Ore, and Roots” and those opposing their views. The Syndicate's actions have left a lasting impact on the lives of ordinary citizens, disrupting the harmony of the Concordance.

The Sword, The Axe, and The Bow

When the Syndicate requires a more direct approach, they deploy their elite enforcers known as "The Sword," "The Axe," and "The Bow." These silent warriors, concealed by the Syndicate's signature skull masks and blue cloaks, are expertly trained to carry out the Syndicate's will, enforcing their demands and vanishing into the shadows, leaving no trace of their presence.

The Aleph Zero Syndicate remains a formidable force in Erathia, striving to reshape society in line with their ethno-nationalist vision. As the conflict between their divisive ideologies and the principles of equality intensifies, the fate of the Kirinal Concordance Zone hangs in the balance, with the potential for either unity or further strife.

The Bow, The Sword, and The Axe by Chris L - Heroforge

The Truth Revealed.

Cover image: Aleph Zero Syndicate Header by Chris L - Heroforge


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Jul 6, 2023 15:19 by Annie Stein

Can't wait to see these people get their teeth kicked in

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Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Jul 6, 2023 15:36 by Chris L

I have to set them up correctly as a real threat and then the kicking shall commence, I promise!

Jul 6, 2023 22:26 by Keon Croucher

Well written and I mean this sincerely. You really captured the essence of such...for want of a better word, such terrible people, such willfully ignorant people, but also such dangerous people very well. The assassin bit was a nice touch. Because though it is icky to consider, it is a fact that the right wing sort of groups this emulates, the ones we find icky and terrible (rightfully so) are also generally groups that will far too easily and far more willingly and efficiently fall into something resembling a cohesive and functioning military structure. Such behaviors do go hand and hand on some level, so if a group or government or some such was thinking of 'dealing' with such people, they would do so in a fashion such as Annie describes, if they were smart. Hit hard, kick in teeth, and leave. Sudden and swift, across the board, don't leave any time for those with any sort of power base or leadership (so those whom could initiate that rapid militant shift) to kick their followers into another gear.   This group is believable to me which makes them frustrating, because I understand the sheer logistics involved to give em the swift kick in the teeth they deserve, and from a logistics standpoint, its gonna be a lot of time, work and planning to do it right and insure the risk is truly and properly handled, that you don't get that swift militant shift that could occur.

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization
Jul 7, 2023 02:09 by Chris L

Thank you for the in depth reply to my article! I actually had a hard time writing it and almost bailed for something more "fun" before I decided to stick with it. I have more to write, but I'm glad I threaded the needle well enough for you.

Jul 6, 2023 23:58 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is really well written, and I am so glad there were the two quotes at the beginning to offset the ones in the rest. I hope this group gets what is coming to them.

Emy x
Explore Etrea | WorldEmber
Jul 7, 2023 02:10 by Chris L

I'm planning their downfall already. My players hate them too.

Jul 9, 2023 20:12 by Marjorie Ariel

Wow. This feels gut-wrenchingly realistic. Seriously though, I do think it's important to include orgnizations like this in worldbuilding, horrific as they are, because an important part of storytelling is to turn a mirror on the world we live in. I hope that the people who have grown-up with this propaganda come to a better understanding of their world in the future.

Jul 9, 2023 22:44 by Chris L

Yeah, these guys gave me fits writing this article. I think I've found the correct angle. I have more to add one I've caught up on prompts!

Jul 16, 2023 12:30 by Haly the Moonlight Bard

I love your prolific use of "quote" marks as a visual "illustration" of just how "ridiculous" all of these old, defunct "racial attitudes" are. Such things should be eliminated by root, blood, and ore. HA! I see what happened there.

Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Rhapsody by Moonlight , a daily email worldbuilding newsletter.

Jul 16, 2023 12:37 by Chris L

Thank you for reading this! I definitely had to figure out how to write about these guys without sounding like I supported them. Glad that I got my point across!

Jul 16, 2023 13:25 by Haly the Moonlight Bard

The concept of censorship is becoming a huge background issue in my world, because my husband and I (in the guise of our MCs Shiv and Daltheeb) argue over it all the time. A lot of the ancient knowledge on Argentii is considered sequestered (that is, you must have a certain educational foundation before you get access to it so that you have appropriate context) because it carries dangerous ideas that should not be just...out there willy-nilly. Things like racism and the central tenants of old religious cults. You know, the things where a difference of opinion equals a reason to destroy. Buuuuut, they've also got 14,000 years of history showing how dangerous ideas propagate and are used to deceive and control, so there's this delicate and uncomfortable balance specifically put in place to keep those ridiculous ideas from being propagated in the modern world.

Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Rhapsody by Moonlight , a daily email worldbuilding newsletter.

Jul 22, 2023 11:29 by E. Christopher Clark

When I read that part about "an orc in a suit," I felt the rage boiling over inside me. Don't you demean my beloved, Sgt. Kill Flayer, you bigots!   In all seriousness though, this is great work. You really captured how hatred and bigotry would look in your world. Inspires me to do the same.

Jul 22, 2023 13:01 by Chris L

Thanks for the dopamine exchange! I'm glad that you enjoy Sgt. Kill Flayer! At some point, I should go through and collate his & Instructor's quotes into a "Book of Instructor & Kill Flayer"!

Jul 22, 2023 13:34 by E. Christopher Clark

That would be great!

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