Here in the Kirinal Concordance Zone, we have rejected the belief that one type of sophont is superior to another simply based on their ancestry. We despise prejudice against other mortals based on their origin, upbringing, religion, or who they choose (or do not choose) to love. As long as you follow the Concordant Mandates, you are welcome here.
I am an orc in a uniform working next to a mechanical person with a soul. I know all about bigotry. Our rejection of it is still a goal that we haven't quite achieved, but we're working on it. Unfortunately, there are those who seek a return to the bad old days when we slaughtered each other based on our ancestry and the gods we worshipped. I'll be glad when we're completely past it.
The War Against the Far Realm ravaged the world for 25 years, but united the people of Erathia like nothing before ever had. The newborn spirit of cooperation led to the creation of the Concordance for Survival and a new civilization centered on the Kirinal Concordance Zone.
As the former enemies settled into their encampments around the Kirinal Pit, they inevitably began to learn more about each other. Traditions like the Pit Promenade and the Benediction of the Heavenly Council gave them a common culture to build upon.
When the Embassy Cities were founded and began to fill with mortals, the people of the Zone, the Kirinalos, built a culture together based on their mutual experiences. They discovered that they were stronger together and, perhaps most importantly, they were MUCH richer together.
Some groups, such as the Aleph Zero Syndicate, seek a return to a time of elf/dwarf/human domination. They use propaganda in their parasitic Aleph Zero Revelations newspaper along with targeted assassinations to sow distrust between the mortal peoples of the Zone. They have yet to succeed, but their strategy of closing minds with innuendo and lies remains dishearteningly effective.
Outside the Zone
Bigotry outside the Zone definitely still exists. The further you get away from the cosmopolitan regions of the Concordance and the Sovranty of Lozar, the more prevalent it becomes. Those who don't have a direct stake in the KCZ have grown to become resentful of the new civilization. They plot to take it over themselves and overthrow those who have "left them out."
A tough subject but I think you handled it well. It makes sense that people would come together against an outside threat but also that they haven't quite managed to completely stop it yet.
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Yeah, this one was tough. I mentioned it during the stream and ran some other ideas through my head, but finally came back to this. Ending bigotry, working together, and an iterative approach to world-building are my central themes. I shouldn't hide from it.
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