Triple B Guild

Guild of Beacon Finders, Bounty Hunters, and Bond Chasers

The Triple B Guild consolidates three distinct types of "people finding" work under one banner: beacons, bounties, and bonds. Its members choose the path that suits their particular skills. We will go over the three types of commissions, and their importance here in the Kirinal Concordance Zone, in detail.

As a former ZAP, I've dabbled in bounty hunting and even tagged along with a Beacon Finder or two. There's nothing quite like tracking down another sophont with the full legal authority of the Concordance behind 'ya! But I learned pretty quick that I'm better at knockin' heads together than hunting 'em! One thing's for sure - I'd never touch a bond retrieval. Some jobs are too dirty, even for an orc.

The Triple B Guild is the premier clearing house for beacons, bounties, and bonds. Members of the guild are eligible to take jobs that come to the guild for distribution to their members. Some members take any of three contracts that become available. Others focus on only one type.

The guild has houses all over the world, but maintains its headquarters in the Kirinal Concordance Zone. The two main houses are in Mended Axe and The Tortoise. They maintain offices in most cities and large towns throughout the world.

Beacon Finders

Beacon Finders specialize in retrieving citizens of the Concorance who have become stranded in the multiverse. When someone activates the beacon in their Ident-a-hedron, it sends a distress signal back to the Zone for a Finder to track.

Most of these beacons are triggerd by those who get trapped in the Manifest when it shifts back to its plane of origin at dawn. The Zone pays Beacon Finders to venture into the multiverse and bring them home.

Beacon contracts pay the least of the three types of jobs, but the work carries the highest prestige. Top Beacon Finders receive stipends from the Zone and often become the subject of novels, songs, and epic tales sold in copper chronicles.

Bounty Hunters

Bounty hunters in the Zone perform the same task as they do throughout the multiverse. They hunt down fugitives or criminals for a bounty paid by the state. Most bounties only pay for a living fugitive, but some will pay for a criminal "dead or alive."

Bounty work pays better than beacon finding, as fugitives resist capture, while beacons usually want to be found.

Bond Chasers

Bond chasers focus on retrieving bondservants - individuals who have fled their contracts of bonded servitude. These contracts, usually issued by the Magister's Dominion, bind people to work without pay for a set amount of time. This is to earn transportaion and eventual citizenship in the Zone

Most bondservants are goblins or other lower casts enticed to leave their homeland for a promise of opportunity. However, the bonds are riddled with clauses that allow the Magisters to extend the terms indefinitely. The workers become trapped in what many see as legalized slavery.

Bond chasing is the highest-paying work in the Guild. The payout only comes if the bondservant is returned alive and capable of working.

Guild Houses

The Triple B Guild maintains guild houses in every major city in the world. Their headquarters is split between The Spike and The Iron Maw in the Zone.

The Spike

The guild house in the Tortoise is known as the Spike and is a tower that rises from the back of the moving city's shell.

The Iron Maw

The Iron Maw in Mended Axe is carved into the earth beneath the orcish city.

Adventuring Groups

Iron Verdict

Lawful enforcers of divine justice. They take any contracts against lawbreakers. They take a lot of bond chasing contracts and are known to be firm but fair with their quarry.

Grave Order

The other bond chasing group "fails" at finding their quarry as many times as they succeed. This necromantic group is rumored to be in the direct employ of the Magister's Dominion and is rumored to have a "body" quota that they fulfill with glee.

Freewind Collective

These freedom fighters and rebels are made up of escapees from Kiris and the Empire of Borthakar. They are known to take bonds only to interfere with them and lead the subjects to safety.

Guild, Adventuring
Notable Members

Cover image: WorldEmber 2024 Generic Header by Chris L


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