Mr. Shadow

Mr. Shadow

The reclusive Mr. Shadow is a permanent guest at Lola Carly's Comfy Kitchen. He lives in the private Datu Hut on the tail of Kuya Buwaya. However, he comes out on Karaoke Night to sing with Lola Carly and everyone loves his voice! When he sings "Unforgiven ∞" you can hear his bass all the way across the Pit!

You better believe that I'm at the Kitchen for Karaoke Night every week! I'd never miss it and Mr. Shadow is one of my favorite singers! We've had a few drinks over the years, but I can't seem to remember what we talk about! All I know is that the first time I met him, I immediately went into a berserker rage! Fortunately, Lola Carly snapped me out of it and we've been good ever since!

The mysterious Mr. Shadow lives in the "Datu Hut" at Lola's Comfy Kitchen. He loves bibingka and fruity drinks with umbrellas in them. He never eats balut. He is friendly when approached, but never seeks anyone out except for Lola Carly. No one who has had a conversation with him can remember what they talked about.

He loves Karaoke Night which is held in the evening of every Shadow. His bass can be heard across the entirety of the Pit and the Zone. When he sings all the spirits settle down to listen.

What I've felt, what I've known

Sick and tired, I stand alone

Could you be there, because I'm the one who waits for you

Or are you unforgiven too?

— Metallica, "The Unforgiven II"

He and Lola Carly finish every Karaoke Night with a duet to bring down the house. After the applause has died away, Mr. Shadow returns to his hut and the spirits are released from their trance.

Temperance by Chris L

Moderation, Patience

Mr. Shadow

Here's an extra on how to run Mr. Shadow from one of my one-shots!

Meeting Mr. Shadow

On the patio you see a dark figure drinking from a hollowed out pineapple with an umbrella in it. He wears shadows like a cloak and looking at him too long makes your eyes water. You feel like he's actually hundreds of feet, if not miles, tall and appears to be mortal sized through some trick of forced perspective.

As the party approaches, red eyes glow at them from underneath his hood. "I have been waiting for you. This prison, my beloved home is under assault and I have seen that only you can help."

He draws in a massive breath. "But I remain myself. I cannot give what has not been earned. My knowledge must be claimed in Karaoke Kombat!"

Mr. Shadow is an excellent singer, specializing in soulful ballads to take advantage of his seismically deep voice. He loves songs like: "Do Be Cruel", "Wound", "Unforgiven ∞", "Always Gonna Give You Up", and "Ol' Gator River."

"Defeating" him in Karaoke Kombat requires a Performance skill challenge. Whereupon he will answer any of the players' questions. Suggested methods for the skill challenge are: single skill checks, a group average check, or beating a DC on 3 out of 5 attempts. Ask for the players to roleplay here and modify or adjust based on how much fun you're having!

He knows everything that the DM knows. (Yes. He knows that too.) Mr. Shadow is actually more interested in a good showing and will reward results as follows:

Karaoke Kombat vs. Mr. Shadow
Mr. Shadow in Karaoke Kombat by Jean Sinclair

Karaoke Kombat Results

  • Under 7: Ejects the party from the Kitchen and they all take 1d6 psychic damage. They meet Bunso Tuko immediately afterwards.
  • 8-12: "A valiant effort!" Answers one question and then ignores them.
  • 13-18: Excellent singing! Answers two questions and gives them a common magic item.
  • 19-24: A battle for the ages! Well done! Answers three questions and gives them an uncommon magic item.
  • 25+: I have met my equal! Answers all questions and gives them a rare magic item.
Current Status
Singing karaoke or lounging on the porch
Current Location
Older than the worlds we know
3060 FA 3060 FA 0 years old
Circumstances of Birth
The closing of the Divine Gate.
Circumstances of Death
The heat death of universes.
Place of Death
Current Residence
He really shouldn't
Male, usually
Embers of the multiverse before ours
If string theory were hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
The void between
5' 9" or ∞
168 lbs (or the gravitational weight of all fears)
Lola Carly & Mr Shadow Duet by Chris L - Heroforge
Lola's Comfy Kitchen
Building / Landmark | Sep 10, 2024

Lola's Comfy Kitchen serves home cooked meals and tropical drinks on the bank of the river. It's a thatched roof hut and sometimes Lola's friend, a giant gator, swims the tavern on it's back to a new location.

Cover image: Mr. Shadow Header by Chris L - Heroforge
Character Portrait image: Karaoke Kombat vs. Mr. Shadow by Jean Sinclair


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Jul 24, 2023 20:11 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

What an intriguing character. So curious about him.

Emy x
Explore Etrea | WorldEmber
Jul 24, 2023 22:24 by Chris L

He's the Kitchen's friendly neighborhood great old one!

Jul 30, 2023 19:19 by Marjorie Ariel

What an interesting character. I was very nervous about him until the bit about being mostly concerned with a good show.

Jul 30, 2023 20:27 by Chris L

He's one of my favorites! He's a big sweet heart, but you don't want to get on his bad side!

Aug 6, 2023 09:08 by Lexi Con (WordiGirl)

Very mysterious character with lots of secrets! Curious. Love it! <3

Aug 6, 2023 16:25 by Chris L
Aug 7, 2023 04:27 by Lexi Con (WordiGirl)

btw, I caught the Rick Roll ;P

Aug 7, 2023 12:25 by Chris L

I'm glad that you're never gonna give up!

Aug 20, 2023 00:17 by E. Christopher Clark

I'm now trying to think of what song I'd sing to beat Mr. Shadow in Karaoke Kombat. I'd say that's "Mission Accomplished" for this article, lol!

Aug 20, 2023 00:47 by Chris L

I'm NEVER gonna give you up!

Aug 28, 2023 18:56 by John Millington

Congratulations on the incredible entry. We can be reached at [email protected] and we can work out what to draw for you. Thanks for sharing your talents. Conquest Publishing

Aug 28, 2023 19:28 by Chris L

Thank you so much! I've sent an email.

Sep 30, 2023 09:43 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

The art is sooo cool! :D Incredible.

Emy x
Explore Etrea | WorldEmber
Sep 30, 2023 14:02 by Chris L

I was so excited when I got it!

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