Klaus the Gift Giver

The mighty artificer and wizard known as Klaus the Gift Giver has avatars throughout the multiverse. On the holiest eve of winter, he gives magical gifts to all the children of his homeland. The Heavenly Council of Ki-rins could never duplicate the feat. Eventually, they turned to the Council of Klauses who gave them the means to summon one of their number to the Zone every Anamas Eve.

We get a new red elf every year! Sometimes he's not even an elf! They go by names like Kris or Jack or Santa CLU. One year we got a properly tusked Gift Giver with a sleigh drawn by boars! You can bet your Ol' Sarge was in bed with candied bacon and a pint of mead out that Anamas Eve!

Sgt. Kill Flayer

Throughout the multiverse, myths of Winter Gift Givers who make their global deliveries in one night are common. For decades, the Heavenly Council of Ki-rins attempted to replicate these feats during Anamas Gifts Giving. Despite expending massive amounts of magical power, they were never able to accomplish the task.

One year they discovered the Council of Klauses, a multiversal organization of the gift-givers dedicated to watching over the children of the planes.

Every Anamas Eve, Moon Breeze leads the Summon the Gift Giver Ritual. Every year a different member of the Council comes to give the gifts that the Great Spirits have prepared.

In exchange, Moon Breeze returns with the answering Klaus to their world for one night. On eve of giving, instead of a red nose, a shining silver horn leads the Gift Giver's vehicle.

And that's how Rudolph got himself a night off.

— Santa Claus

It's Santa Claus! He's your friend!
Santa Claus Prime by Chris L
P'Orc Father by Chris L
The Red Widow by Chris L

Special thanks to eccbooks for letting me borrow the Santa of his world!

Moon Breeze & the Council of Klauses

Moon Breeze the ki-rin flew as she slept,

A winterland came to Kirinal Rift,

She knew ‘twas time, find the Giver of Gifts.

For kids of Kirinal, in dreams, she wept.

She chased a red light through the foggy eve,

It called with a voice that shouted with glee,

“Follow my glow to the Palace of Ice,

What you seek is there, I won’t tell you twice!”

To the northern pole, her journey did lead,

A fortress of chimneys, carved from the snow.

She could smell cookies and hot cocoa,

She heard the tools of the toymakers' beat.

She entered halls where the white beards abide,

On thrones so grand, comfortable and wide.

The oldest said, “Welcome Moon Breeze so grand!

In this place, only the worthy can stand.”

A gnome with pointed nose did then inquire,

“Why seek us out, noble unicorn bright?”

“In the Zone, Kirinal Kids live in plight,

We shield their flesh, but their souls need your fire.”

“To match your night of giving, we try,

But our efforts fall short, year after year,

“Can you help us bring the children good cheer?”

The Father replied, “We’ll help you by…”

“Singing the songs and showing totems true,

One shall answer you, a Klaus of our crew.

But when we call, your aid must be given.

Do you agree? This bargain we’ve stricken?”

St. Kris Kringle by Chris L
Santa Jack by Chris L
Santa Greg by Chris L

Cover image: Klaus the Gift Giver Header by C
Character Portrait image: Santa Claus Prime by Chris L


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Jun 30, 2024 14:39 by Haly the Moonlight Bard

It took me *forever* to read this article because I was laughing from the moment I saw it in my notifications. "He didn't. Did he? Naaaaahhhh. But I mean, he does sometimes, tho.... OMG HE DID! BWAAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHDSLKFAH!!!!!!" F'k me, mate. Just... Well done. Well done.

Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Rhapsody by Moonlight , a daily email worldbuilding newsletter.

Jun 30, 2024 22:46 by Chris L

I'm glad you liked it! You may have read it mid-edit, but I completely re-did the "story" part as a poem/song.

Jun 30, 2024 21:48

This is great! I love the idea that every world has a Klaus and the song is awesome! <3<3<3<3<3

Evie the dragonmagpie
Jun 30, 2024 22:47 by Chris L

Thank you! It was super fun to write and a great way to get my creative juices flowing again!

Jun 30, 2024 22:02 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Amazing, I love it. The poem was a delight.

Emy x
Explore Etrea | WorldEmber
Jun 30, 2024 22:47 by Chris L

Thank you! And welcome back to the all-time best commenter of all!

Jul 1, 2024 00:58 by E. Christopher Clark

I love this, and not just because of the Santa CLU cameo! The poem is great. I wish I was still streaming because I would totally give this a live-read. In fact, I was reading it aloud here in my room tonight (wife and kids are away camping).

Jul 1, 2024 04:17 by Chris L

Thank you! I have intentions to add Santa CLU to my lineup of Klauses! I wanted to clear it with you first!

Jul 1, 2024 13:02 by E. Christopher Clark

You have my blessing! Let me know if you need anything from me to make it happen. :-)

Jul 1, 2024 14:49 by Gilly-May Hartill

Loved it! I can imagine bards singing the poem in taverns adorned with holly wreaths and festive candles.   Also, candied bacon, yum!

Gilly Hartill   Fantasy world builder, aspiring author & lover of all things RPG.
Jul 5, 2024 00:25 by Chris L

Thank you! This was super fun and I definitely love all the holiday images in my head from you commenters!

Aug 13, 2024 07:07 by BUGHOLDERS EPIPHANY

the army of santa is here. I love this, it's nice :) Especially just imagining a whole bunch of Santas going around delivering gifts to a whole bunch of worlds! May have made a bit of art in tribute to this article on my summercamp reading prompt page!

Generic article | Aug 13, 2024




Sep 29, 2024 22:14 by Marjorie Ariel

Not a surprise that all the Klauses visit your world at one time or another. I really hope the tusked Klaus was a reference to Hogfather. This makes me want to write an article for my Messengers, who are essentially the Klaus of my world.

Sep 29, 2024 22:27 by Chris L

Thanks, I've had a couple of different versions of the "Red Man" appear in my games, so I had to figure it out! And good eye on the Hogfather! Of course it's him!

Feb 10, 2025 10:22

Next up the santa cinematic multiverse! Fun read and love the poem/song :)

Feel free to check my entries for the World Anvil Worldbuilidng Awards if you want to see what I am up to!
Feb 15, 2025 15:17 by Chris L

Thank you! I've been doing multiverse stuff since before it was cool, and I'll still do it after it's not!

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