Giant Flies
Giant flies are a pest species the size of large dogs that infest garbage dumps throughout the world. They have been domesticated by goblins for centuries and serve as transportation, garbage disposal, and a food supply all in one. Other mortal races are not as fond of them and most non-goblinoids require them to stay out of the smelling distance of their settlements.
We orcs don't have the same hangups about them giant buzz bugs. We're too big to ride them, but they make great garbage disposals! The legs are just like crab and that maggot jerky is good! I promise! Just try it once!
Giant flies resemble their smaller cousins but on a much larger scale. Their bodies are covered in coarse hairs and their large multifaceted eyes provide them with excellent vision. These highly adaptable insects are the size of large dogs and thrive in a great variety of environments. They are commonly found near large concentrations of waste.
They are scavengers by nature, feeding on decaying organic matter. Although they are a vital part of the ecosystem, their strong odor is quite off-putting. They have been domesticated by goblins and orcs who don't mind the smell as much as other mortal races.
The goblins living in the Blue Aria of the Silversong Moon have become the biggest breeders of giant flies. They use them as transportation and as a food source on the newly created and resource-scarce moon.
In addition to their utilitarian roles, giant flies are also a key component in some goblin and orc cultures. They feature prominently in their folklore as symbols of resilience, adaptability, and trickery. Their chitin is used for goblin armor and their spikes are used to tip spears.
They also play a crucial role in wast management and resource recycling, especially in densely populated or resource-limited areas.
lol I love the difference in reactions between the Instructor and Sgt. Killflayer. Also, I think if I was playing in your setting, I would want to play a goblin, just so's I could ride around on one of these things.
This was a suggestion from one of my goblin players, but we haven't implemented it yet! I'm 100% going to have these in my next goblin-y session!
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