Blue Aria

18th Facet of the Silversong Moon

The second facet of the Silversong Moon to become populated is known as the Blue Aria. The moon itself is only a few years old, rising into the heavens as part of the apotheosis of the new goddess Jenevieve. The goblins and blues of Goblin Town were given the 2nd facet after the destruction of their refuge in Goblin Town. Goblins, especially blue goblins, have become one of the majority species of our new moon.

I'm glad the gobbos have found somewhere that they can get away from those Az-damned magisters! They use their bodies for labor. They want to steal the minds of their brightest blues! Even when they're dead, their bodies soldier on for the Dominion! I know they're a part of the Concordance but mark my words. We're gonna regret letting them in one of these days!

The Silversong Moon is literally an enormous silver icosahedron that is orbiting the planet Erathia. The first facet was claimed by the goddess Jenevieve and her changeling worshippers. The second was given to goblin refugees fleeing the persecution of the Infernal Forces.

As a brand new celestial object, the material of the Silversong Moon still burns with the energies of creation. Those with a strong will and enough power can shape it as they wish. The blue goblins have discovered that when they sing, the land around them responds.

Their main settlement is known as Jennook or "Jenny's Nook". The growing town consists of a mixture of modern maharlitech buildings aboveground with traditionally cozy tunnel dwellings underneath.

They consider the goblin artificer Of the Forge the Spark their leader, but he delegates as much of the role as possible to others. He prefers to tinker in his workshop designing improvements to infrastructure and doing the "backstage" work.

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Cover image: Silversong Moon Header by Chris L - DepositPhotos


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