Soulforged Stillness
The term "Soulforged Stillness" is a misnomer. The affliction can affect any sentient construct, not just soulforged like myself. The exact cause is still unknown, but it presents when a mechani-kin stops moving for an extended period of time. It can last anywhere from a few days to millenia. Some say that they became still for a reason. That they were reborn (or activated) too early and they were just waiting for the proper time to continue their lives.
When I was fresh Pit Meat, I would parade past ol' #3,561 standing at attention on the Pit Wall a few times a year. She'd been there for more than an 'undred years and I thought she'd stay there forever. I'm glad that she finally woke up and began her life. I wonder what woke her up?
Soulforged Stillness, or simply "The Stillness", refers to a state in which a Soulforged, or other Mechani-kin, ceases all physical and external expression. The living construct is not dead, their souls are still present, even if the consciousness within is unresponsive. From the outside, the Still Soulforged might appear to be a lifeless statue, but telepaths and mind mages can sense the spark within.
Causes of the Stillness
The cause of this condition remain unclear. Scholars and Maharlitech engineers have struggled to explain why it occurs, leading to various theories:
Some belive the Stillnes is a divine blessing placing the construct in suspended animation until a preordained event occurs that demands their reactivation.
Others suggest that the construct's soul might not yet be mature enough to begin its life, or that it retreats into Stillness to heal from emotional or spiritual distress.
Many constructs who emerge from Stillness claim that they simply weren't "ready" to act. They were waiting for the right time or proper purpose to resume their existence
The Experience of Stillness
Living constructs who experience Stillness have given varied reports of their experience. Some say that they did not feel time pass at all. They describe an instant transition from the moment of Stillness to their awakening. Others recall a meditative trance where they were aware of the passage of years, but were unable - or unwilling - to move. Most haunting are those who report feeling every agonizing second, screaming silently within their own heads as the world moved on without them.
Oh no, I was hoping they were all unaware when The Stillness was happening. Being aware a s trapped sounds terrifying. Such an interesting condition, but scary no one really knows much about it.
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