
The Talino people originate from a tropical archipelago on the far side of the ocean. They were colonized by the Numorians and their home islands were invaded by the shark-men. Centuries of conflict and turmoil have spread their population throughout the known world.

We've got lots of people of Talino descent here in the Zone. I love them Talinos: the food, the festivals, the singing, and the dancing! But the thing I like best are their weapons! Every time I go down Tabak Alley in Garrison City, I find some new type of sword or knife that I didn't know existed! Let me show you this headhunter's axe I just bought!

The Talino peoples inhabit the so-called Talin Islands that stretch like a string of pearls south of the equator in the Talinian Ocean. They include many of the same ancestries as those in other lands including humans, elves, gnomes, dwarves, shifters, orcs, and the typical mix of inter-ancestry folk. Regardless of ancestry, they tend to be brown-skinned, dark-haired, and dark-eyed. Other skin tones and hair colors, both lighter and darker, can also be found among them. A long history of colonization and conflict has left traces from all over the world in their bloodlines.

The people from these tropical islands are hard-working, funny, and sociable. They value large gatherings and call everyone family, even those not related by birth. A Talino gathering is marked by singing, dancing, and excellent food. As islanders, they make excellent sailors.

They were not an ancient nation. They were not conquerors. They weren't even a people until a scant millennium ago. Yet these upstarts hold positions of power and influence throughout the known world. Why is that?

History of the Talinos

For millenia, the islands were home to dozens of disparate tribes and city-states. The islands were rich in gold, but poor in iron. They warred amongst each other and they raided the nations of the continent Yuchao.

In the 1500s the explorer Don Talin Mouradian became the first person from the continent of Krosia to cross the "Great Western Ocean" and arrive at the fabled Pearl Islands. He and his forces conquered the islands and he renamed them the Talin Islands, along with the Talinian Ocean, after himself and his great accomplishment.

He claimed the islands, and their people, for the Trans-Oceanic Trading Company. Hundreds of years of rule by foreigners established the disparate cultures of the colonized islands into the Talinos.

Talino Highlander Couple by Chris L

The colonizers ignored the islanders' internal distinctions, calling them all Talinos. They imposed their own religion and ways on their new subjects. They intermarried with them, creating a hierarchy of pure Karifarans, mestizos, and low-ranking Islanders.

The people who became the Talinos were already skilled sailors and the Company colonizers used them extensively on their ships. The songs and laughter of the Islands spread everywhere that the Company’s ships sailed.

The Company’s rule over the Talin Islands was eventually ended by the hundred-year Sahuagin War. The Islands were subjugated by the sahuagin and the inhabitants suffered greatly under the rule of the devil-worshipping shark-folk.

Eventually, an alliance of land-dwelling nations was able to turn the tide on the invaders from under the sea. A navy of Talino Diaspora returned to their home islands and liberated the besieged survivors. Everything within reach of the ocean-dwelling monsters was despoiled and the port cities were charnel houses. The only survivors were those who escaped to the highlands and mounted a successful defense against the shark-men.

The Trans-Oceanic Trading Company went bankrupt without access to its trading routes and the Talino Islands were free to self-govern once again. They formed the Sultanate of the Talin Islands which has ruled the Islands ever since.

Centuries of colonial rule gave the Talinos the habit of hiding their true selves behind agreeable smiles. They hid their martial arts in their dances. Their legends were woven into their songs. Their religious beliefs were coated with a thin veneer of "more civilized" practices.

Talino Cultures

The Talin Islands' location makes it a natural "gateway" for travelers from Krosia to Yuchao, the "Jade Continent". Their culture mixes aspects of the two great landmasses along with that of the many populations of island natives.

The Provincials

Talino Celebrations by Chris L

The working people of the islands, the farmers and fishermen, make up the vast majority of the population. They work hard and they celebrate harder. They sing songs while working timed to the rhythm of their tasks. Every region, village, and barangay has their own traditions and festivals. You can travel the breadth of the islands, attending different fiestas and celebrations every day of the year.

Before colonization, land was owned by the community. Everyone worked the land and shared in the harvest equally. When the Numorian conquerors came, they claimed all land in the name of the king. They installed a system of landed gentry and peasants. For centuries, the tough, practically-minded peasants of the islands served under harsh colonial rule.

They were strictly controlled and forbidden to own weapons or learn how to fight. They hid their weapons amongst their tools and hid their fighting systems in their dances. They hid their magic in stories, songs, and artwork.

I was born in a small duwende barangay in a province far from the city. I became a babaylan and I move here when I was a young woman. I get job and I send money home. One by one, they follow me here until now, I have half my family here and half back home! I'm so lucky to have a big family and they're everywhere!

The Aristocrats

The influence of the Numorian colonizers has always been strongest in their capital city, Los Santos on the largest island Barong, the Island of the Sun. The capital was built on a site holy to the natives. The original structures were razed and the location was made comfortable for the Numorians. They wanted their new city to remind them of home as much as possible. It has stone streets, opera houses, and grand villas similar to those in the great cities of Freal Numor and Karifar.

The noble ladies, the doñas, wear elegant gowns woven from silk and banana leaf fibers with large butterfly sleeves on their shoulders. The men, the dons, wear transparent shirts woven from piña (pineapple fiber) with conical hats on their heads. They carry canes with hidden swords. They value education in foreign lands, pale skin, and those who speak with a "continental" accent. Conflict here comes in the mannered form of invitations to balls, whispers behind ornate fans, and duels with flashing blades.


The island humans, elves, and other compatible races interbred with the colonizers. They created a middle "mestizo" caste that exists into the present day. They brought their "half-breed" children into the ruling class, but as a lower caste. They were given jobs in the bureaucracy as administrators over the peasant classes.

Talino Aristocrats by Chris L

The Highlanders

The mountain people live far from the ocean in the highlands of the islands. These traditional folk have the distinction of never being conquered by the colonizers or the shark-men. They used the remoteness of their homes and their reputations as fierce headhunters to keep their independence from any conquerors. When the shark-men began to slaughter the coastal folk, the highlanders welcomed their lowland cousins among them. They provided refuge and assistance when the time came to re-take their homes along the water.

The mountain tribesmen maintain vast rice terraces with complex and ancient irrigation systems. These tattooed people wear traditional clothing: loincloths, bone belts, and feathered robes. They hunt for wild game and trade rice, wood, and rare spices with the lowlands.

Talino Warrior Leaping by Chris L

The Mariners

Everyone living on the shores of the Talinian Ocean are familiar with the sight of Talino Mariners. They wear brightly colored silks and are covered in gold jewelry, a practical way to carry their pay. They carry armories of bladed weapons and are covered in tattoos, magical and otherwise. They are known as excellent sailors, who can sing a song, throw a knife, and steal your spouse while leaving you with a smile on your face.

There are entire societies of Talino Mariners who live on the ocean, never setting foot on dry land for years. They trade between their home islands and travel everywhere that the Ocean that shares their name touches. They fill the crews of every merchant, pirate, and explorer ship on every body of water in the world.

Talino Mariner Wedding Ceremony by Chriis L


The archipelago of islands contains a variety of environments, everything from tropical beaches and volcanic mountains to highland rice paddies and bustling cities. Their diet consists of rich stews, seasoned meats, and salt and vinegar marinades that keep well in the warm and humid tropics. They eat seafood, rice, pork, poultry, green vegetables, and tropical fruits like papaya, jackfruit, and banana.

The Krosian influence on their diet includes a variety of dishes and desserts adapted to local ingredients. Carabao and goat milk are used to make cheese and pastillas. Sweet potato, cassava, and rice flour are substituted for the wheat that doesn't grow on the islands. The abundance of sugar cane sweetens the local desserts.

Influence and Diaspora

Centuries of colonization and conflict have carried the Talinos around the world. Wherever they go, they bring their cultures and their cuisine with them. They claim anyone with a drop of Talino blood as their own. Talinos living abroad in the diaspora are all encouraged to make the pilgrimage "home" at some point.

When they arrive, they are given warm welcomes and encouraged to spend as much of their hard-earned money as possible. They tell young diasporic Talinos that an island-born Talino spouse is the perfect gift to bring back home with them.

Much of the traffic from foreign lands back to the Talin Islands comes in the form of currency sent back home by Talinos working abroad to support their families in the islands.

I have Talino blood mostly from my mother's side. Even though our ancestors came to Lozar as refugees centuries ago, we still consider ourselves Talino. I have only been to the home islands once, as a young man. It felt like going home. I long to return, but my duties have not allowed it.

Nominee for WAWA
Rise of Nations Award 2022

Talin Islands
Geographic Location | Dec 14, 2022

The home islands of the Talino people are an archipelago of tropical islands strategically placed as a crossroads for three continents.

Talino Uprising
Military Conflict | Nov 18, 2023

The Talino's took back their freedom from the sea devils, turning themselves from a conquered people into a cultural force across three continents.

History of the Talino People
Talin Islands

Named for their conqueror, these islands are the home of the Talino people. The islands are also known as the "Bakunawa's Back" and the "Pearl Islands."

They string along the Talinian Ocean just south of the equator and form a natural stopping point between the continents of Krosia and Yuchao.

Cover image: Talinos Header by Philippine Performing Arts Company
  • 1565 FA

    15 /3

    Don Talin "Discovers" the Pearl Islands
    Discovery, Exploration

    Don Talin Mouradian Lands on the Pearl Islands

    Talin Islands
  • 1568 FA

    16 /4

    Death of Don Talin Mouradian
    Life, Death

    Don Talin was killed during the conquest that eventually subjugated the Pearl Islands.

    Talin Islands
  • 1570 FA

    Naming and Colonization of the Talin Islands

    The Talin Islands Colony was established.

    Talin Islands
  • 2002 FA

    2107 FA

    Sahuagin War/Hundred Year War
    Military action

    For a hundred years, the Sahuagin Empire waged war with every nation on the Talinian Ocean, taking slaves and pillaging every ship sailing above them.

    Eventually, the Kingdom of Lozar led an alliance that destroyed the Sahuagin Empire.

    Talinian Ocean
  • 2107 FA

    12 /6

    End of the Talin Islands Colony

    The Talino warriors earn their independence from the Numorians and the TOTC.

    Talin Islands


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Sep 14, 2022 02:46 by RandoScorpio

What a great start. They sound like an interesting bunch. Good luck with the rest of the article and your timeline!!

Sep 14, 2022 11:45 by Chris L

Thanks for the comment. I've been writing this article in my head for years and this challenge is finally giving me the chance to get it out of there!

Take a look at my Institutions of Learning challenge article.

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

Sep 15, 2022 14:21

This looks awesome so far, cant wait to read the finished product.

Check out some of my summer camp articles, like the dangerous flying jackalope or dragon wasps. Or, for something more light-hearted, there is the whimsical language Gobbledygook and Jaden's interesting job as a guano polisher.
Sep 19, 2022 15:04 by Chris L

Thanks for taking a look!

Take a look at my Institutions of Learning challenge article.

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

Sep 19, 2022 13:28 by K.S. Bishoff

Looking great! Can't wait to see what you cram into your timeline/chronicle

Come vist my worlds
Sep 19, 2022 15:04 by Chris L

Thanks for looking at my sloppy work in progress! I have quotes at the top that I'll be sprinkling into the article. And lots more to work on when I figure out how to make time for it!

Take a look at my Institutions of Learning challenge article.

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

Sep 21, 2022 11:13 by Annie Stein

It's lovely to read about the Talino. It reads like a love letter to the Filipino people. I think my favourite part was how they used culture and tools as a cover for their defense.   While reading, I was also like, ooh, I hope there'll be a mention the nipis fabric and especially the piña. The craftmanship that goes into creating those textiles, and the sheer beauty of the lace pieces made with them just, it really awes me!   It's a really well presented article overall. Amazing work!

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Sep 21, 2022 12:54 by Chris L

Thank you! I really want to go into detail on some stuff, but have to keep telling myself "This isn't the article for that." I'm already a few hundred words from the upper limit, so I'm going into editng and re-writing mode.

Take a look at my Institutions of Learning challenge article.

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

Sep 21, 2022 14:39 by Annie Stein

Oh, I can imagine you could! I think it's a very good introduction to the Talino people, and that articles like this work best as a sampler rather than going in depth on every aspect of the people. Best of luck with the edit, and with the timeline!

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Sep 26, 2022 16:09 by Icarus Crow

This looks so awesome! I love all the quotes and the information provided in them; they place a very specific lens on the Talino people. Even delving into the cuisine! A very well written article.

Sep 28, 2022 12:31 by Chris L

Thank you!

Take a look at my Institutions of Learning challenge article.

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

Sep 26, 2022 19:23 by E. Christopher Clark

I love that Kill Flayer is so excited about the variety of Talino weaponry. I also really loved the phrase "The islands were rich in gold, but poor in iron" and how that sets the tone for the article early on. And the quotes from various characters throughout are just gold! Really terrific work here.

Enroll in Yesterland Academy today!
Sep 28, 2022 06:37 by George Sanders

Enjoyed the breadth of topics you covered about the Talino!

Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
Share your articles on Lavani's Reading List!
Sep 29, 2022 18:22 by Cassie Storyweaver

Hey, Kitoypoy, I loved the depth of history that your article invokes, the ramifications of colonization on the people's "outward" face; the interaction between highland and coastal relations. Personally, I would love to have links to examples of different aspects of the culture - you did do that with myths, fascinating! - like a sample of poetry , or a recipe with illustration. That's just me, I'm a sucker for food porn :)

Greetings fromAdventurer's Guide to Exandria! Check out my Reading Challenge here: Reading Challenge August 2024.
Jun 27, 2023 20:55 by Marjorie Ariel

I particularly like the bit about the diaspora. It reminds me of what I've heard about the Armenian Birthright program.

Jun 27, 2023 21:21 by Chris L

Being in a diaspora culture myself, it's very close to home for me!

Take a look at my Institutions of Learning challenge article.

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

Jun 30, 2023 00:26 by Marjorie Ariel

Yes, I have noticed that you draw on your culture and (I'm guessing) your experience with your culture in your worldbuilding. It really makes the world feel both highly unique and highly relatable.

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