Blackjack Heritage Campaign Overview

The Blackjack Heritage campaign follows the journeys of the Changeling Skyship Blackjack and her crew of adventurers. The campaign began when Niamhi Silversång inherited the title Baron and the family skyship, Blackjack, upon the death of her father. She summoned her group of close knit friends to be her crew.

Together they travel from the Zone and throughout the Sovranty of Lozar carrying a wide variety of cargo. They attempt to unlock the mystery of the skyship's origin and become embroiled in the re-emergence of the Six Lost Moons.

Theme & Mood

I'm running this campaign for a group of veteran players online. I knew one of them from work and joined their weeknight game. I was able to hit the ground running with them and ran a very complex campaign.

  • Political intrigue mixed with some Firefly
  • Do old gods fit in the new magitech world
  • Re-emergence of lost moons
  • Heavy roleplay mixed with bathroom humor
Goals & Inspiration

This campaign is also hitting high levels and endgame territory. They've ended up fighting the invasion of Infernal Forces after one of their own fell to the God of Lies.

  • Close out Mecha-Tiamat storyline.
  • Leave room for confrontation with Malfador on the Hidden Moon.
  • Start reigning in storylines
  • Plan a Bachelor/ette Party adventure for Lance/Nia
  • Plan a Double Wedding adventure
The Characters

The Session Reports

Episode 01: Inherit The Blackjack Report
Report | Nov 7, 2023
Episode 02: The Shattered Zone Report
Report | Nov 7, 2023
Episode 02.5: Contacts & Contracts Report
Report | Nov 7, 2023

The crew of the Blackjack spends two days interviewing applicants for their crew position, exploring the Zone, gathering intel, and making contacts.

Episode 03: The Excursion to Eladriel Report
Report | Nov 7, 2023
Episode 04: Adventures in Eladriel Report
Report | Nov 7, 2023
Episode 05: Flight to Razun Report
Report | Nov 7, 2023
Episode 06: Arrival in Razun Report
Report | Nov 7, 2023
Episode 07: Rendezvous in Razun Report
Report | Nov 7, 2023
Episode 08: Return to the Zone Report
Report | Nov 7, 2023
Episode 09: Escape From Goblin Town Report
Report | Nov 7, 2023
Episode 10: Magister's Enclave Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 11: From the Zone to Greystone Barony Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 12: Revelations in Greystone Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 13: The Gray Angels Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 14: The Fall of Xeno Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 15: Searching for Answers Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 16: Nia's Birthday Party Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 17: The Last Baron Silversang Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 18: Bailing Out Nels Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 19: Fast Times in Ta-Arma Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 20: Rising With the Wood Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 21: Lunapalooza Report
Report | Dec 15, 2023
Episode 22: The After Party Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 23: The Squid Hunt Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 24: The Squid Hunt Part 2 Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 25: Regrouping and Moon Planning Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 26: The King's Hunt Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 27: Elven Starships Ahead
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 28: Revelations in Three Acts Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 29: Flight of the Blackjack Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 30: New Moon Rising Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 30.5: Girls Night! Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 31: City of Sleeping Elves Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023

The elves of Sarch na Thaya have fallen into an endless slumber and only the crew of the Blackjack can save them.

Episode 32: A Night and a Day in Carrot Town Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 33: Riding a Balloon to the Lapin Shard Report
Report | Nov 7, 2023
Episode 34: Lunapalooza But For Kids Report
Report | Nov 7, 2023
Episode 35: The Chamber of the Ginunting Report
Report | Nov 7, 2023
Episode 36: Return to the Temple of Thaya Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 37: Lunapalooza on the Moon! Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 37.5: Campaign Interlude: The Two-Year Jump
Generic article | Nov 7, 2023
Episode 38: Fateful Fast Forwarding Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 39: Attack on the Blackjack Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 40: Jenny's Avatar Ritual Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 41: The Breath of Tiamat Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 42: Gathering Their Breath Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 43: Against the Talons of Tiamat Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 44: The Lair of Myxapex the Menace Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 45: Elenwe Reborn Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 46: The Ashes of Goblin Town Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 47: The Belt Bros and Tempest Tide Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 48: Siege of Tempest Tide Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 49: Coldwing and Dirrhaas Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 50: The Rise of Mecha-Tiamat Beta Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 51: An Interlude With Mecha Tiamat Report
Report | Nov 6, 2023
Episode 52: Nia's Bachelorette Party Report
Report | Mar 26, 2024
Episode 53: The Final Form of the Blackjack Sky Report
Report | Mar 26, 2024
Episode 54: Lance's Steamy Bachelor Party Report
Report | Mar 26, 2024
Episode 55: Return of The BlackJack Sky Report
Report | Mar 26, 2024
Episode 56: Rehearsal Dinner & Pit Meat Report
Report | Mar 26, 2024
Episode 57: Double Weddings for Nia & Lance Report
Report | Mar 26, 2024
Episode 58: The Elder Brain's Lair Report
Report | Mar 26, 2024
Episode 59: A Ribcage Full of Illithids
Report | Mar 26, 2024
Episode 60: The Fate of Gryzorth Goblinboon Report
Report | Mar 26, 2024
Episode 61: Planning the Lunar Assault Report
Report | Apr 10, 2024
Episode 62: The Blue Goblin's Skull Report
Report | Apr 18, 2024

Cover image: The Blackjack Heritage: To the Shattered Moon by Chris L - Midjourney


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