Infernal Forces Military Formation in World of Wizard's Peak | World Anvil

Infernal Forces

The Infernal Forces that entered the world after the one day of Hell Week have settled into three separate areas around the world.

The Army of Malfador

Those forces loyal to Malfador are comprised of three legions of devils, each 1,000 strong. They maintain bases in the Empire of Safara to the east and upon the Hidden Moon.

The Will of Malfador

The flagship of the Infernal Forces, the Will of Malfador, continues to be a presence on the continent of Erathia.

We fly to the Hidden Moon once every three months, when it is full. We bring troops and supplies to our base there and bask in the glory of the Soulforged Avatar of Malfador himself.

The Talon of Tiamat

The second infernal army, the Talon of Tiamat, consists of forces loyal to the dragon goddess Tiamat. It consists of 5 Wings of 500 devils and assorted dragon-folk. It operates in the waters off of Darastrix Tolgalen, where they absorb refugees from the Dragon Empire to fill their ranks.

They operate in the western Talinian Ocean and have bases in Kaneyama and the City of Zabar.

The Breath of Tiamat

The capital-class dreadnaught, the Breath of Tiamat, is the flagship of the Talon. It is normally seen traveling the route between the Dragon Empire and the Futurists of Kaneyama. Like the other flagships, it also spends one month in three on the Hidden Moon.

As you well know, the Breath recently made an incursion into the Sovranty of Lozar to attempt to recover the Warlock of Malfador. I am thankful that my warning enabled you to keep her out of my Dread Master's hands.

The Forces of Ar-Tamak

The final army of devils, the Forces of Ar-Tamak, have found fertile ground in the Satrapy of Ta-Arma. They have allied with the Tyrant of Ta-Arma and field four legions of thousands of hobgoblins and their chattel. They are led by hundreds of devils who escaped on Hell Week.

The Blue Goblin's Skull

The last capital-class dreadnaught, the Blue Goblin's Skull, is named for the head of Of the Blues the Revenge, mounted in the ship's helm. The rebel blue goblin leader was hunted down by the Fist of Ar-Tamak and executed for treason. The Skull was baptized in the blood of rebelling blue goblins and features blue leather furnishings throughout.

Like its brother ships, the Skull spends one month in three on the Hidden Moon.

Infernal Org Chart

Devils organize into a basic unit called a legion. Each legion contains one thousand devils organized as follows:

1 legion = 10 cohorts, commanded by a legate

1 cohort = 10 lances, commanded by a signifier

1 lance = 10 devils, commanded by an optio

Ranks of mortals compose the base of dreg legions, while bearded devils and merregons make up the bulk of regular legions. Each legion sports a unique name, usually denoting its purpose and numerical designation.

Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

Articles under Infernal Forces

Cover image: World of Wizard's Peak Generic Header by Gillian Galang


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