Telperion Academy

The Telperion Academy sits in the shadow of Menelost Telperion in the Kirinal Concordance Zone. It trains cadets who will join the Thayan Armada and fight here at the fortress of Tol Acharn and on the Shattered Moon. Every elf who comes of age in the wake of the disastrous First Armada must serve a tour of duty in the military. The Academy is the most prestigious of the many elven war colleges, attracting the best military prospects and the children of nobility.

I see quite a few of you snot-nosed point-eared Academy cadets here in the audience today! You'd better get used to having an orc tell you what to do! You are now a Kirinal Defender and we're all on the same side! When I say jump, the proper response is: "How high!" If only my great grand-orcs could see me now, telling elven royalty to do push-ups! They'd be so proud!

The Telperion Academy was built from a fallen branch of the great tree Menelost Telperion. When the tree died with the goddess Thaya the Temple of the Moon was also destroyed. The elves set up a temporary camp under a broken bough of the tree. As time passed the bough became the main roof beam that housed the eventual Thayan Armada.

The disastrous invasion known as The First Armada was planned in the Academy. Despite its failure, lessons learned from that event were crucial in the planning and execution of the successful Second Armada, which eventually took back the Shattered Moon.

The main hall is the Skyship Command Center where cadets train. Surrounding it are specialized halls dedicated to the schools of magic and Maharlitech research.

The Skyship Aerodrome houses the simulators and practice craft that the cadets train on. The best of them are sent to the Sky Fortress where they train on real Telperion Skyships that they will eventually pilot in defense of the Zone and Shattered Moon.

College / Academy


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