Pis Pis Noel, Rajah of Demons

For millenia the fiend known as Demogorgon held the title of "Prince of Demons". A few years ago a group of adventurers defeated the former Prince in his home in the Abyss. One of their number took the mantle and the self-styled Rajah of Demons has been fighting against the entire underworld to hold onto his new throne.

The rise of the new Rajah has been an Az-damned blessing for the rest of the muliverse. The demons have been fighting amongst themselves to figure out their new places in the pecking order. But, and there's always a but, the devils have been able to take their focus off the Blood War. They've turned their attention to the Prime and it's been getting mighty hot here in the Zone!

This simulacrum of Ol' Staffer took the Crown of the Prince of Demons when Demogorgon was defeated.

The adventuring group known as the "Blue Fire Brotherhood" spent their careers fighting against the demonic forces of the Abyss. They prevented the multiversal disaster known as the "Savage Tide" and defeated Demogorgon in his lair, Wat Dagon.

The group's wizard, Ol' Staffer, commonly used simulacrums of himself as backup spellcasters. These duplicates followed their creator into combat and loyally gave up their artificial lives at his command.

In the final battle, Ol' Staffer brought three snowy copies with him. Two of them melted against the fires of Demogorgon and his horde. When the battle ended the fiery crown of the Prince of Demons rose from the demon lord's cloven corpse. The last of the snowy clones reached out and took the mantle.

After conferring amongst themselves, the Brotherhood left their former servitor in the Abyss and wished him luck. The new Prince named himself after his creator's true name, Leon Sip Sip, but in reverse. And so, Pis Pis Noel, Rajah of Demons began his reign in the underworld.

Escaping the Abyss

Recently, a new group of adventurers encountered the Rajah and discovered that he has grown weary of his place and title. He seeks to escape the Abyss, but still keep his power. They know that Demon Lord on the Prime Material Plane would be a disaster for mortal kind. They seek to prevent his ascent to the world above.


Cover image: Pis Pis Noel, Rajah of Demons Header by C
Character Portrait image: Five of Swords


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Dec 1, 2024 12:37 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is the kind of the lore that is the most fun to read about. I had a smile on my face the whole time imagining how this played out in game.

Emy x
Explore Etrea | WorldEmber
Dec 1, 2024 15:08 by Chris L

This happened at the end of my kids' first 1-20 D&D campaign. When it came time to name the new demon lord I said, "He'll just use your name backwards. Leon Sip Sip is.... Pis Pis Noel!" It was pretty amazing.

Dec 5, 2024 11:39 by Marc Zipper

Awesome lore on how some took and become a demon Lord and could definitely see this was being one interesting RPG session.

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin
Dec 5, 2024 13:41 by Chris L

It was great! Thanks for checking it out!

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