Minaran Witch Hunters
The Minaran Witch Hunters are an ancient order of so-called "witch hunters" who seek out and destroy those who use, what they consider impure magic. Their archaic morality finds abhorrence in many quite legal practices here in the Kirinal Concordance Zone. Most Kirinalos find them distasteful, but some of the finest abjurers and artificers in the world are among their number. As long as they follow the Concordant Mandates, they are permitted to stay among us.
I for one would be happy to send all them witch hunters packing. They certainly have no love for "uppity" orcs such as myself! Unfortunately, they are expert ward casters and many of our abjurations and tech wouldn't work without their expertise. Getting a witch hunter to ward your house or business is expensive, but worth the bilog!
Sgt. Kill Flayer
The world's best Witch Hunters originate in the non-Concordant nation of Minara. This ancient enemy of Kiris maintained a ward over their nation that prevented the use of all magic except abjurations and divinations within their borders.
In the years before the Kirinal Catastrophes, they hunted and executed all users of magic and magical beings they could find within their borders. They were expert mechanists and firearm manufacturers long before maharlitech became common worldwide.
In the modern world of Concordance, Witch Hunters ply their trade hunting evil spirits, wicked wizards, and warding buildings against supernatural incursions. Their centuries of "witch hunting" and living without magic prepared them well for the world they live in now.
Despite their reputation as "anti-magic", the Hunters have adapted to by expanding their services beyond just hunting warlocks and evil spirtis. They offer specialized training in counterspells, metamagic, forensics, and the crafting of anti-magic devices. They are highly sought after by law enforcement and private security firms alike.
Their extensive knowledge of magical and non-magical combat makes them formidable opponents with belts and backpacks full of nasty surprises.
An amazing organization! I especially love the form of the quotes, and will certainly draw some inspiration from these!
Besides that, it's a brief introduction to an organization, which has undergone some changes over time! I love it!
Vampire loving servant of several chaotic forces.
Current Project: Die verlorenen Legionen
Thank you! I've had these guys in my world for a long time, but just got this article written!
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