Aberrant Lycanthropy

Aberrant Exoginothropy

For the second time in recent years a new moon, the Silversong, has appeared in our skies. Similarly to the Hidden Moon before it, the great silver icosahedron has affected the transformation of lycanthropes and other moon-based shapechangers. This manifests in either a pure liquid silver form or a transformation into a tangled mass of pitch-black tentacles without bones. Any shapechanger can be affected by it without warning whenever they shift. A search for a cure is underway.

We have plenty of shifters and were-folk serving in Winter's Voice and they've been pretty unsettled by the new moons we've gotten these past few years. They were just getting used to randomly getting a clockwork shift, but now they have two more added to their mix! The pure silver one's real pretty, but all the extra tentacles and lack of bones in the black one can come in surprisingly handy!

Aberrant lycanthropy is connected to the rise of the Silversong Moon and causes a condition similar to Hidden Moon Frenzy. In the case of the Silversong, shapechangers' tranformations can become a pure silver version of their shift or an inky black, boneless version covered in tentacles.

In their silver form shapechangers report that they are stronger and more durable. In addition, they say they also feel calmer and focused. The metal form also grants some of them telekinesis, telepathy, and other mental powers. Many of them are trying to find a way to make "the silver" their permanent shift.

The ink-black form is a slimy, viscous version of their shift. They appear to be boneless and semi-amorphous with tentacles sprouting randomly from their bodies. A few changers prefer this form over any of the others. They feel more feral and, like the silver form, they feel stronger and more durable. Those who practice with this shape gain greater, more precise, control of their tentacles.

Well actually, it's aberrant exoginothropy. Lycanthropy means wolfman, exoginothrope means alienman. I just wanted to make sure you're calling it the right thing!

Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species

Cover image: Silversong Moon Header by Chris L - DepositPhotos


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