Sly Spenser Character in World of Wizard's Peak | World Anvil

Sly Spenser

Spenser Hagerström (a.k.a. Sly Spenser)

A cheerful tiefling merchant and owner of the Glass Boar. He deals in goods from the Anomalous Forest. Known for his booming laugh, his love of exotic foods, and his enormous girth.

He is a smuggler and fence who has been known to provide safe passage for sentients trapped in the High Table portion of the Anomalous Forest.

He currently keeps an office in the Bayani-Sun Casino directly across from his opposite and nemesis, Shy Spenser.

Magic Item Finders Fees

Sly charges a finder's fee for magical items. (Priced according to the Sane Magical Item PDF) He takes a deposit (25% of the list price) as a non-refundable fee to begin searching. He does not guarantee that he will find the item. Once found, he delivers the item after being paid in full 150% of the list price (minus the deposit).

Use stas for Master Thief.

His assistants are an assassin, and a warturtle.

Current Location

Cover image: World of Wizard's Peak Generic Header by Gillian Galang
Character Portrait image: Sly Spenser by Chris L - Heroforge


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