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Umbra Sword


Legendary Requires Attunement

While attuened attacks with this weapon count as magical, in addition if this weapon is used in the killing blow of a humanoid, the humanoids soul is harvested by the weapon.   Curse of Umbra: The weapon is sentient and very evil, known as Umbra, when Umbra has been fed with a harvested humaniod soul Umbra gains a spell slot which you can request it use to cast Major Image, or Close Wounds using your bonus action. On casting Umbra's spell slot is expended and another humanoid soul must be harvested before Umbra can cast again. Umbra is not obliged to follow commands however, it is inclined to be friendly to its wielder but may become unfriendly if left unfed or interacted with in an unfriendly manner. At all times, you share a telepathic link with Umbra for as long as you are attuned to the sword, Umbra has Darkvision and line of sight stemming from both the sword and any illusory creature it creates with Major Image.

Once attuned you cannot become unattuned unless Umbra permits it or Remove Curse is used. While you are attuned you will not physically age and Umbra's powers will grow the longer you are attuned to it. While you are attuned you cannot be disarmed of this weapon, magically or otherwise, nor can the weapon be removed from your inventory by any means. (If you are captured or unconscious while attuned to this weapon it will simply meld into you.)

The Umbra Sword appears as an Ebony Longsword, black in colour, inscribed along the blade and hilt with daedric runes that glow a dark purple when it harvests souls.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 1d8+5 / Versatile (1d10+5) Slashing Melee

Cost: 400 gp
Weight: 10 lb

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