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Collar of Awakened Kinship

Wondrous Item

Legendary Ranger or Druid Requires Attunement


An ornate collar made of silvered leather and adorned with a number of settings for small gemstones. When placed around the neck of an animal, the collar bonds the creature to the attuned player, granting it sentience, the ability to speak Common, and elevating it to the role of a familiar.   This is a powerful artifact that with the proper materials can be enhanced. 1 of 5 gem sockets filled.  




The animal gains an Intelligence score of 10, and it can now understand and speak Common. Its Wisdom and Charisma scores increase to 12, if they were lower. The animal retains its natural instincts but is now fully self-aware and capable of complex thoughts and emotions.  

Animal Bond:

The bonded player and creature gain the following abilities when the Collar of Awakened Kinship is used:
  • The animal retains its original hit points and natural abilities.
  • The bonded player and creature can communicate telepathically within a range of 100 feet.
  • The bonded creature can deliver touch spells cast by the bonded player, as per the Find Familiar spell.

  • Man’s Best Friend:

    The attuned player can issue a command to the bonded creature as a free action. The bonded creature obeys the command unless it would cause certain death or otherwise violate its principles  


    The collar requires attunement by a player, and the bond formed with the animal is unique. The attuned player can only have one familiar from the Collar of Awakened Kinship at a time. Once placed on a creature, the collar is only able to be removed if the creature has died. If the bonded creature dies the, Collar of Awakened Kinship loses its magic for 30 days, after which it can be used again to bond with a different animal.  


    Five small settings can be found along the collar. The first setting has been filled with a small ruby that appears the contain a living fire.  

    Ignarion the Warmheart’s Blessing

    Grant’s Sebastian the strength of the Fire Lord. Providing the following benefits:
  • Armor Class increases by the attuned players Proficiency Bonus
  • Hit Points increase by the 5 times the attuned players Ranger or Druid class and Hit Dice become d8.
  • Heart of Fire: If the bonded creature is reduced below 0 hit points, it falls unconscious and remains stable instead of dying. It regains consciousness after 1 hour with 1 hit point.

  • Created by


    Statblock Type

