Wondrous Item
This colorful, frumpy hat contains the animated and sentient spirit of a wizard's old pet. While unworn and immobile, it is indistinguishable from a normal hat. When the hat is worn and spoken to or otherwise interacted with, it springs to life and pulls its seams apart to form a stitch-ridden mouth and toothless smile. You can use the hat as an arcane focus for your wizard spells while you're wearing it. In addition, you can feed one piece of paper to the hat using an action, destroying the paper. The hat happily accepts any paper it's fed and wiggles about as the page is chewed and swallowed. If you're wearing the hat, you immediately know any information that was contained on the piece of paper as if you had read it. If the paper or its contents were magical, it's immediately spat back out by the hat. If the paper contained a spell, such as a spell scroll or page from another wizard's spellbook, you also take 1d6 psychic damage for each level of the spell that was transcribed on the paper when it's spat out.