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Art shamelessly stolen from @BenJuniu

Campaign & Party

Team Zeta on Desolation Station

Nyxek Vutha Kal Wah Tad
Run by kitoypoy
Played by
Other characters

The major events and journals in Vutha's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 7: The Secrets of Dracotheosis

03:14 pm - 11.08.2022

Session 7: The Secrets of Dracotheosis

03:14 pm - 11.08.2022

Session 6: Family Time

01:08 am - 29.07.2022

Session 6: Family Time

01:07 am - 29.07.2022

Session 5: The Soul of the Storm Child

06:18 pm - 20.07.2022

Session 5: The Soul of the Storm Child

12:21 am - 20.07.2022

Session 4: Father's Day

12:05 pm - 07.07.2022

Session 4: City of Frogs

10:35 pm - 06.07.2022

Session 3: The Fox

11:38 pm - 01.07.2022

Session 3: The Fox

12:00 am - 29.06.2022

Session 2: Finding the Father

11:46 am - 23.06.2022

Session 2: Finding the Father

11:45 am - 23.06.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Vutha.

Played by

Other Characters by Pobbes