SC 2021 "A Coming of Age Ceremony" Honorable Mentions
This year, I had the honor of judging Prompt 18, "A Coming of Age Ceremony" for Summer Camp 2021. I decided that I would honor everyone who submitted an article by reading every single one of the 457 articles submitted. It took me about a week to get everything read, and another day to pick my winner.
In the process I made a short list of 30-40 prompts, and from there I separated them out to 13 honorable mentions (a baker's dozen) and 12 finalists. Today, I'm going to present the honorable mentions along with my notes about each. A lot of these only have my like on them, and I feel like they deserve to be seen.
Edit: You can find the finalists here: SC 2021 "A Coming of Age Ceremony" Finalists.
In no particular order here they are:
Dear Sir! I hereby with the utmost respect write to you to inform you of a slight error in this article. The 13th block which is supposed to link to a goblin-related piece by FiniteData instead links to an article by rarestereocats -- an article already referenced in block number nine. A trifle, I'm sure, which you will sort out at your earliest convenience. Thank you for all your efforts and for liking my article. As a full-time postbox in Surrey, I found your patronage heartening. Yours etc., Brigadier-Grandmaster CraniumBeaver, Special Flying Squad
And I fixed it! Thanks for the catch!
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