A Report on the Current Disposition of the Infernal Armies Document in World of Wizard's Peak | World Anvil

A Report on the Current Disposition of the Infernal Armies

Mutarber, 3223 FA, From General the Baron Aginnad to Bestie

My dear Earl of Razakstad, as always, I, General, the Baron Aginnad, hope that this missive finds you well. I am heartened by the success of the Razakstad Grand Hats & Headwear Convention that you held recently. I also gain much pleasure from hearing the announcement of your engagement to Lady Paz Ionite. I wish you the infernal curse of many legitimate spawn to add to House Razak's army of bastard offspring.

Infernal Forces
Military Formation | Mar 21, 2024

Again congratulations on the upcoming nuptials and I look forward to the upcoming festivities. As always, you will find this month's Spunkify proceeds directly debited to your account in the First Concordant Bank of Kirinal.

Your Infernal BFF,


Report, Intelligence

Cover image: World of Wizard's Peak Generic Header by Gillian Galang


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