Silver Tridenser

The Silver was the Holy Second Sword of my Lord Anam. He blessed it so that it could only bring weal to the good and pure while it brought woe to the evil and the corrupt. After many centuries, he lost it when visiting the mortal world. But some say that the Blade of Mercy remained of its own volition with someone who needed it more than the powerful God of Justice. Since then, it has appeared at turning points in history, always in the hand of someone performing great works of goodness.

We orcs of Borthakar had no love for the shiny sword knights. When they appeared on the field of battle, we knew to go the other way. We hated all of them, but we could respect the Silver Lady. She fought as hard as the others, but she was merciful and kind to the vanquished. There are tales of her sword passing through certain orc warriors without harming them! It's said that she would mark the lucky soldier and he would be eligible for special treatment from the knights!

After Anam, the God of Justice, gave away the Golden Tridenser, his first sword, he made a second to be the antithesis of his first. He forged a blade of pure silver as a symbol of purity and justice. He infused it with his hopes for the future of mortalkind. He created a tool to cleave away impurities while strengthening virtue.

The result was a longsword of pure silver that could cut through anything except for the pure of heart. Over time, the Sword of Mercy began to develop a personality and desires of its own that did not always match those of its master. The sword resented any time that it spent away from the mortal world, where it felt that it could do more good. One day, when Anam returned to his home in Heaven, the sword stayed behind in the hands of a mortal.

Since that time the Silver Tridenser has found its way into the hands of more mortals than any of the other Tridenser blades. It looks for the place where it can do the most good and finds its way there.

It was held for the longest time, the Pax Lozaria by its most well-known wielder, St. Maryam. She had a special relationship with the blade, allowing it to leave and return to her whenever it wished.

Even the loss of the other Tridensers in the Kirinal Disintegration, the Silver, or maybe a ghost of it, remained active. It is known that even now, the Sword of Mercy remains somewhere in the world, doing good.

Item type
Weapon, Melee
Subtype / Model
Owning Organization
2lb 3oz
36" long
Base Price
Raw materials & Components

The blade and tang are forged from silver that has been hardened to be as hard as adamantine. The hilt is wrapped in horsehair taken from the mane of Maryam's steed.


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