Great Spirits of the Zone

The Great Spirits are a loose alliance of powerful supernatural entities who have aligned themselves with the mortal people of the Kirinal Concordance Zone. Many people confuse the Great Spirits of the Zone with the associated Heavenly Council of Ki-rins. That's an easy mistake to make. The Great Spirits are the larger, less orderly organization that the Council participates in. The Spirits mostly come together to participate with the council in the Benediction of the Heavenly Council and Anamas Gifts Giving.

Us Kirinalos have way better relations with the magic beasties than we did back in our homelands. Here in the Zone they look after the kiddies and give them presents instead of trying to steal and eat them. I like it better here!

The high magic and interdimensional nature of the Kirinal Concordance Zone make it a magnet for supernatural creatures. They can easily find the exotic nutrients or unusual diversions that they want or need to live. However, the high concentration of powerful mortals requires these spirits to have an agreement with the mortals that they dwell among. The Zone is geographically small and there is no hiding from the magically capable population of Kirinalos.

With nowhere to hide, the spirits dwelling in the Zone have decided to live openly amongst the mortals in a symbiotic relationship. They agree not to prey on mortals and, in exchange, are allowed to dwell in the interdimensional tidal zone that is rich in magical and other types of energy.

In order to make negotiations with mortals easier, they have created a loose organization of "Great Spirits." Each type of spirit nominates a representative of their kind to be a Great Spirit who speaks for them with the mortals. Most of the spirits are loosely organized and chaotic, barely able to speak directly to each other much less choose a "leader." But spirits without a representative are subject to being hunted down and killed or exiled from the Zone.

Witch hunters, Anomalous rangers, and ghost trappers work throughout the Zone to find and dispose of evil or malignant spirits. Those spirits without a representative can be easily identified as "dark spirits" and targets for extermination.

Religious, Divine Host
Related Traditions

Cover image: WorldEmber 2022 Header by Chris L - Midjourney


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