Campaign Possibilities

You'll be playing in a magi-tech fantasy world that has advanced a few hundred years from standard fantasy tropes. It's roughly advanced to the Napoleonic/Musketeer stage of history. The mortal races have been forced to work together to tame the dangers and potential of The Kirinal Pit. Life and trade revolve around containing it and exploiting it's potential.

The old world and the new ways are in conflict. The Gods withdrew a century or so ago, dragging immortal evils along with them. They still watch the world, they help how they can, but they can no longer walk among mortals. The "humanoid" races joined the other mortals in defense of the world and have taken their place in the new civilization.

But old animosities still simmer. Some seek to return to the former way of life, when Kings ruled by divine right and the "lesser" races could be slaughtered with impunity.

This is a world of advanced magic: Ident-a-hedrons, sky ships, and trains exist alongside wizards, dragons, and interdimensional portals. What is your place in a world of adventure, danger, and infinite possibilities?

So you're interested in exploring the World of Wizard's Peak? Before you get started, go through orientation with the Instructor of Recruits and Sergeant Grokzaz Kill Flayer at Gold Arrow Station. Once you know the lay of the land, report back for possible adventures.

Here's the list of possible campaigns that I'm intereted in running. Pick the one that appeals to you the most and I'll flesh it out for us before we start Session Zero. I'm really looking forward to this!

Sentinels of the Dragon Isle

You are the most trusted members of society on the subcontinent of Darastrix Tolgalen. You protect reality itself, the Truth of Darastrix Tolgalen, from the threat of The Fallacy. There is nothing except for Darastrix Tolgalen, everything else is a lie and a deception. The Truth existed since time immemorial: the Land, the Sea, and the Red Dome of Heaven that marked the end of reality.

A lifetime ago, on the Day of Deception, the Red Dome disappeared, replaced by an unnatural void. The void shines blue during the day as the unrelenting Eye of the Enemy travels above. At night, it becomes dark and black, full of small uncaring eyes. The changing nature of the "sky", with the "Shattered Moon" and new "moons" constantly appearing are obvious proofs of The Truth and The Fallacy.

Your job is to stand watch at the Edge of Reality. Unreal things pass the Boundary into The Truth. It is your job to send those things back into The Fallacy or destroy them. Most heartbreaking for you are the Unmade. Ghosts of those who left The Truth and became unreal. They look like people you might have known, even loved, but those that pass the Boundary die and are no longer real. The Unmade are the most dangerous of the Unreal. You are ordered to destroy them on sight, before they can seduce you into entering the Fallacy.

Unique Campaign Elements

Starting Level: 5

Player Ancestries: dragonborn, grung, kenku, kobold, lizardfolk, tortle, and yuan-ti

Player Classes: cleric (you worship the concept of The Truth, not a god), fighter, monk, paladin, ranger, rogue, and sorcerer

You all live on an island/sub-continent of dragonborn, reptilian, and amphibian folk. You are trusted veterans in the service of the Dragon Lords. No chaotic alignments (yet!).

You are stationed on Redoubt, an island along the Boundary of The Truth. Only those with ties to The Truth are allowed to become Sentinels, so you are all married with children (or grandchildren) at home. You spend half your time at home with your family and the other half on the lonely island of Redoubt with your squad, which is one of three, that rotates 8-hour shifts on duty.

Suggested Roles

  • Lieutenant
  • Scout
  • Chaplain
  • Marksman
  • Executioner

Concept: You are a bunch of religious zealots and you're about to get an awakening.

Combat: Medium

Exploration: High

Roleplay: High

Player Buy-in:You live under the rule of the dragons and you KNOW the Truth. You guard The Truth against the dangers of Unreality and the Unmade. You have seen many things, but you believe none of it. One day, your faith is shaken.

The Vagrant Skies

Unavailable, this campaign became the Blackjack Heritage Campaign.

You are a group of rejects and miscreants that has inherited (acquired? stolen?) a small ramshackle airship, the Blackjack. Most importantly, it comes with a Writ of Passage, allowing the ship, its crew, and passengers the right to enter and exit the Kirinal Concordance Zone. The Writ allows you to carry a small amount of cargo in and out of the Zone. The slower caravans and trains that can take weeks or months to get to their destinations. You can get to most places on the continent and back within a fortnight.

You sell space on your ship to the highest bidders, transporting goods legal (or not) from the Zone to the far reaches of the world. Choose your cargo wisely though! Not all your cargo is safe and your clientele can't be trusted!

Possible Crew Members

  • Captain
  • Navigator
  • Medic
  • Mechanic

Concept: You are the crew of the Serenity from Firefly or Han & Chewie on the Millenium Falcon.

Combat: Medium

Exploration: High

Roleplay: High

Player Buy-in: It's the crew of your ship against the world. You can't trust anyone but each other and your ship. Delivering your cargo and keeping up the reputation of the Blackjack is the most important thing to you.

Unique Campaign Elements

You'll have ownership of the Blackjack, capable of making long distance travel very quickly. You'll accumulate a crew to run the ship for you as you advance in levels. You'll want to enhance the ship to become more capable/powerful as you level up yourselves.

The CDL (Concordant Defenders League): The Rookies

You are famous warriors of the Pit, reknowned throughout the Zone for your fabulous exploits defending the mortal races. Bets are placed on how many heads you bring back on Shatter. Your assigned bard records your exploits, sending them back via Ident-a-hedron for the citizens of the Zone, and the world, to watch!

You are proud recruits from great civilizations. Your job is to stand at the edge of reality on the Kirinal Pit and protect the rest of the world from whatever crawls out of it that day.

Is it an army of insects? A horde of barely recognizable humanoids? A wall of screaming flesh 100 miles high? That's what you signed up for, so suck it up!

You are one of many squads assigned to patrol the Kirinal Pit. Your crack squad scored well in the aptitude tests, so you've been put right on the front lines as a reward. You're well equipped and well trained. Extra-planar invaders should be afraid of you, not the other way around!

Possible Team Members

  • Squad Leader
  • War Mage/Controller
  • Defender/Healer
  • Striker
  • The Bard - non-combatant member who records your exploits.

Concept: You are a mix of gladiators and professional athletes. Your team is just starting out, hoping to advance in the rankings. Your feats are broadcast throughout the world and the higher level you get, the more famous you become.

Combat: High

Exploration: Low/Medium

Roleplay: Medium

Player Buy-in: You have volunteered to be the tip of the spear and the shield of civilization. You do not run, you do not leave anyone behind. You are an elite military squad and you are prepared to lay down your lives at any time in defense of the world.

You work hard and you play hard. You work on the edge of madness, but you also live in the greatest cities of the greatest civilization the world has known. You are heroes and you are treated as such.

Unique Campaign Elements

You'll have an NPC bard that travels with you, narrating your activities and reporting them back to your fans. As you gather "Fan Points during your exploits you'll be able to spend them on "sponsorships" or "stretch goals" where your fans send you items or power ups, sometimes in the middle of combat, that you can use.

Warlocks Against the World

The world was almost destroyed because of the betrayals perpetrated by you and your kind. Warlocks are hunted for a reason. Your dark masters hunger for the world. They hunger for the access that the Kirinal Pit would give to the multiverse. It is your job to deliver it to them.

Although you were born in the world, you are not of the world. You belong to your patron and you will do whatever they require. Good. Evil. Law Chaos. These are nothing compared to the will of your masters.

Or are you gathering this power for yourself? In the end, do you intend to become the master and keep the power of the Kirinal Pit for yourself?

Suggested Player Roles

  • The Warlock
  • The Meat Shield
  • The Assassin
  • The Enabler

Concept: You are Senator Palpatine, trying to become Emperor Palpatine.

Combat: Medium

Exploration: High

Roleplay: Medium

Player Buy-in: You work against the traditional heroes and forces of the world. You seek to weaken the protections surrounding the Pit. You sow distrust, you dispel wards, you negotiate with dark powers.

Dark beings and evil spirits leak in from other worlds all the time and you make alliances among them. When the time comes to overthrow the foolish defenders of life, they will answer your call.

Unique Campaign Elements

You'll start at 2nd level. Your first level will be in whatever class you choose. Your second will be warlock, and your patron will be the main patron that you pick. You can advance however you want after that.

As a result, none of you will be able to have a normal Ident-a-hedron. You will all have to use a false hedron of some sort to operate in the Zone.

Shadow Hunters of the Zone

When dusk falls on the day of Shadow dark creatures creep out of the Pit. They seep around or through the wards from the Shadowfell. They prey on the mortals of the Zone. Before dawn, they return home or they find hidey holes in the mortal cities.

Sometimes they seek refuge in the Anomalous Forest, where they must be hunted down and destroyed. That job falls to hunters, trained to seek out and destroy Shatter-Kith, Aswang, vampire spawn, and other dark creatures great and small.

Suggested Player Roles

  • The Detective
  • The Exorcist
  • The Abjurer
  • The Hunter

Concept: Scooby Doo, Buffy, Supernatural, The X-Files, Van Helsing. But you're probably better respected.

Combat: Medium

Exploration: High

Roleplay: Medium

Player Buy-in: Your team must be unafraid to put yourselves in harm's way. You hunt the hunters. You go into the dark places. When word of an infestation arrives, you must find it and destroy it. You will see the worst horrors. You will encounter innocence corrupted. Be careful with your sanity and your soul.

Unique Campaign Elements

Sanity Points? What organization do you want to be a part of? Religious zealots? Are you cops? Do you belong to an ancient order of monster hunters? Are you monsters hunting your own kind?

Elves of the Shattered Moon

You are elves. Bred for war. Full of vengeance. Thirsty for the ichor of your aberrant foes. The Night of the Shattered Moon is centuries in the past. Your dead goddess Thaya was avenged long ago. But those unnatural things still infest the cracks and corners of the Moon. That you cannot abide.

Your team of elite warriors is based in Menelost Telperion. You fly to The Shattered Moon on Telperion Skyships powered by the Wood of Telperion. The speed and power of your elven ships make the floating baubles of the other mortal races look like toys.

You seek the Ginunting ng Thaya, the sword of your moon goddess, lost on the moon when she died. With its power, you hope to cleanse the moon of the foul stain of aberration. Perhaps clearing the way for Her rebirth.

Suggested Player Roles

  • War Leader
  • Archer of Vindication
  • Voice of the Moon
  • Spellsword

Concept: The Dirty Dozen, Inglorious Basterds, Rambo. You're a small squad going into hostile territory on a quest.


Exploration: High

Roleplay: Low

Player Buy-in: You are better than everyone else. You know what's right. You are unwavering in your mission. Long ago, you allied with other factions, the Shattered Moon Coalition, but that time is done. Now, you claim the moon as yours alone. You will fight anyone who contests you.

You'll spend your time between eradicating monsters on the moon, traveling from the moon back to Erathia, and recuperating and recoveting at your base, Menelost Telperion.

Unique Campaign Elements

You will all be elves, of whatever sub-type you choose. You'll be transported to the moon on Telperion Skyships periodically for your missions. Each PC will be assigned a custom magic item appropriate to them that will level up with them.

Cover image: World of Wizard's Peak Generic Header by Gillian Galang


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