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Skull Hunter Orc

This subrace of Orc is even more violent than the typical Orc tribe and has one singular society called the Skull Hunter that is composed of 3,000 Orcs or more. Their leader is an exceptionally smart Orc that is a master at combat and tactics. They are not only fiercer, but smarter and stronger as well. They are the most favored and feared Orc tribe of all, even feared by some races.
ability score increase: +3 Strength, Constitution and Intelligence, +2 Charisma and Wisdom, +1 Dexterity
age: 1-95 years
alignment: Chaotic Evil
Size: Medium
speed: 35 ft.
Languages: Common, Orc, Abyssal
parent race:
race features:
Fury of Gruumsh. You have advantage on attack and damage rolls on targets with less than all of their hit points. Stamina of Luthic. You can survive a fatal blow by turning the critical hit into a normal hit. If you have above 0 hit points after doing so, you regain half your hit points.
You are a member of the most destructive, intelligent and fierce Orc tribe that ever was. You are able to channel fear into one enemy or elf.

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