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Imurtjaru are giant sentient burrowing insects with great values in community. They come in a great variety of shapes and sizes, with their bodies always adapting to best serve their job and their colony.
ability score increase:
Size: Medium
speed: 25ft
Languages: You learn one language typical of the starting area, the language of your colony and one intercolonial Imurtjaru language.
race features:
Creature Type. You are Empyrean.   My Body is My Weapon. Your body is not designed to handle weapons made for other races. Whenever you make an attack roll with an outside weapon, subtract your proficiency bonus from it. You also gain no benefit from wielding an outside shield.   Natural Armament. You can mold parts of your body to function as weapons, additional protection, or a biological workshop. At the end of a short or a long rest, you can spend one hit die to shape your parts to function like two simple or martial weapons or one simple or martial weapon and a shield/set of tools you are proficient with, which appear as claws, spikes, blunt growths of carapace or even internal shafts to propel projectiles out of. A weapon with the Two-Handed property counts as two weapons. The weapons made by this feature are part of your body, cannot be removed while you are alive, and do not occupy your hands. They otherwise function as normal, with the following nuances:
  • Weapons with the Thrown property created by this feature function more similarly to weapons with the Ammunition property. Instead of being detached and thrown, the weapon itself serves as a platform to launch projectiles alongside its normal uses. The weapon still has the thrown property and not the ammunition property for other features, but in order to make ranged attacks with it, you need special ammunition which works the same as the normal thrown attack with that weapon. As a bonus action by expending one hit die, rolling it and multiplying the number rolled by your proficiency bonus, you can create an amount of ammunition equal to the result.
  • Weapons with the ammunition property created by this feature cannot use the normal ammunition intended for that weapon. Instead, your body needs to create compatible ammunition. As a bonus action by expending one hit die, rolling it and multiplying the number rolled by your proficiency bonus, you can create an amount of ammunition equal to the result.
They last until you create new ones using this feature, which replace the ones you had previously.   Rapid Regeneration. Instead of recovering half of your hit dice, you regain all of them when you finish a long rest.   Tremor Sense. As a dweller of the earth and stone, you can accurately read your surroundings even without sight. While standing on solid ground, you can sense vibrations within 90 feet of yourself which are solidly connected to the ground beneath you. Within that area, ignoring all cover, you gain the following benefits:
  • You are aware of the local terrain structure.
  • You can effectively see any creature connected to the solid ground that has moved without hiding from you, made an attack roll, cast a spell or otherwise performed loud activity against the ground within a round, ignoring the invisible condition.
Tremor speech. You can communicate by sending inaudible vibrations through the ground to any other Imurtjaru within your Tremor Sense area and hear any other messages produced by this feature.   Artisan of Ground and Stone. You have a burrow speed of 5 feet, which you can use to enter and move through loose earth or similar matter. Additionally, you can spend a hit die or a superiority die and 1 minute of uninterrupted work to dig through solid rock, creating a tunnel wide enough for a creature of your size to move without squeezing and in depth equal to the roll of the die + your Strength Modifier (round up to multiples of 5) in feet.   Poison Resistance. You have resistance to poison damage and advantage on saving throws to avoid or end the poisoned condition.   Caste. The Imurtjaru are born into one of the four castes, which determine their role in the colony: queens, males, minors and majors; the latter two being the two castes available for player characters. Choose one of the two, which are shown in the subrace section above.

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