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Frejordian Human

The Freljord, the relentless tundra of the north, is home to tribes of warriors, marauders, and survivors. Despite the fact that its people are divided into numerous war bands and sects, the frozen expanse cultivates a universal culture of resilience and endurance. Furthermore, a rich mythology of primeval gods and elemental worship spreads through the Freljord’s traditions. However, a civil war brews and braces among three primary factions of the Freljord, prompting Freljordians to venture from the security of their home clan.
ability score increase: Two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1.
age: The markers of adulthood vary by the cultures of Runeterra, but it is generally agreed that humans are adults by their late teen years. They typically live up to a century.
alignment: Usually neutral
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Va-Nox Freljordian
parent race: Human
race features:
Racial feat
Choose 2 feats from the Racial Feat List.

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Statblock Type

