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The Cards of Fate

2 of clubs, 3,4 of clubs
Simple Bolt
(Used as a default card)
1d8 + int force damage 80ft
Passive: A single simple bolt may be discarded at the end of your turn as long as at least one attack was made with it.
Active: 1 fate point: as a free action, send this card to the bottom of the deck. Can be used as many times as you wish, spending a point every time.
5 of clubs
6 of clubs
7 of clubs
8 of clubs
9 of clubs
Force Spear
1d10 +int force damage 400ft
Passive: Extreme range of 400ft
Active: 1 fate point: make an attack with the offhand weapon, but the range of the offhand inherits the range of the spear. May be used in place of a single attack
10 of clubs
Gleaming Waraxe
1d12 +int slashing damage melee
Passive: When making an attack, one other target adjacent to you may also be attacked as a free action (note: balanced around optional flanking rules)
Active: 2 fate points: Leap to a location within 20 ft of where you are, with a max height difference of 20ft. Where you land, all targets within a 5ft cube must make a DEX saving throw or take 2d12 slashing damage. On a failure, targets take half damage.
At levels 5, 11, and 17, active ability damage increases by 2d12
jack of clubs
Blink Dagger
2d4+ int piercing melee
Passive: An attack may be made on a target within 30ft of you. On a successful hit, you blink to a space adjacent to the target.
Active: 1 point: As a bonus action, you can teleport to a location within 30ft or to a space adjacent to a willing creature within 200ft of you. May be used twice outside of combat. Using the active does not discard Blink Dagger.
queen of clubs
Flame Plume
1d6 +int fire 15ft DEX save
Passive: Flame is ejected in a 15ft cone, all targets making a DEX save or take the damage
Active: 3 points: A 5ft wide wall of energy is sent forth, up to 100ft long (stopping at any solid obstacle). The moment the wall is created, the target must make a DEX save or take 3d6 damage of the damage type of your offhand, or half as much on a success. If a target walks through the wall or ends their turn in the wall, they take 3d6 damage of the damage type of your offhand.
The wall lasts for up to 1 minute or until dispelled. Requires concentration
At levels 5, 11, and 17, active ability damage increases by 3d6
king of clubs
Mind Spike
1d4 + int psychic damage, 30ft
Passive: Any creature within 30ft of you may be hit simultaneously by a single attack, rolling for each individual targeted
Active: 3 points: all creatures within 30ft must make an INT saving throw. On a failure, a tether appears from the fateweaver’s weapon to the target’s brain. Any subsequent attacks made by the fateweaver will automatically hit these targets. The tether breaks when the target leaves a 100ft radius of the fateweaver or the target rolls a successful INT saving throw at the beginning of their turn. Rolls may still be made by the fateweaver in an attempt to land a critical.
Automatically fails against targets with an intelligence of less than 4
ace of clubs
Vampiric Bolts
1d6+int necrotic damage, 60ft
Passive: When a target is hit, the fateweaver may receive temporary hit points equal to half of the damage dealt by a single attack
Active: 2 points: as a BA, enter a vampiric state. Any damage dealt to creatures for the remainder of your turn will provide healing rather than temporary hit points.
2 of hearts
Thunderous launcher
1d10+int thunder damage, 80ft
Passive: Creatures adjacent to targets hit make a CON save or take the damage as well
Active: 3 points: launch a large spherical projectile of energy. The projectile explodes in a point of space, creating an explosive radius of 20ft, dealing 4d6 damage, inheriting the damage type of the offhand
At levels 5, 11, and 17, active ability damage increases by 4d6
3 of hearts
1d8+int slashing, 60ft
Passive: Any creature targeted by the chakram is orbited by a small spectral chakram, manifesting at the end of your turn. These spectral chakrams stack every time the creature is targeted. When hit by an attack, the spectral chakrams strike the target, dealing an extra 1d4 slashing damage per spectral chakram.
Active: 3 point, make a free attack using your offhand against each target with a spectral chakram, attacking once per chakram on a target.
At levels 5, 11, and 17, passive ability damage increases by 1d4
4 of hearts
Rapier of the Winds
1d8+int piercing, melee
Passive: While wielding the rapier, movement speed is increased by 20ft while in combat.
Active: 1 point: Replacing a single attack, a piercing line cuts through the air. All targets within a 15ft line take 2d8+int piercing damage. Can be used multiple times in a turn, but the lines cannot cross within the same turn
5 of hearts
Lightning Bow
1d8+int lightning damage 120ft
Passive: all attacks pierce in a straight line.
Active: 3 points, A 20ft radius centered in a point of space with line of sight. The region is cascaded by attacks replicating the offhand. Creatures caught in the original region are attacked once by the storm bow (along with pierces). Creatures moving through the region or ending their turn in the region take damage from the current offhand weapon. Requires concentration
At levels 5, 11, and 17, targets in the active region take another instance of damage from the offhand, as if they were attacked twice
6 of hearts
Magical Stones
1d10+int bludgeoning damage 60ft
Passive: As a reaction, a stone intercepts an incoming attack or damaging effect, blocking 1d4 incoming damage. Counts as using the card during your next turn.
Active: 2 points: the stone explodes in midair, filling the air in a 10ft radius with dust. Creatures that rely on sight are blinded while in the radius, but are also considered to be in half cover. Creatures leaving the radius must also make a constitution saving throw or continue to be blinded until the end of their next turn. The dust dissipates after 30 seconds.
At levels 5, 11, and 17, passive blocking damage increases by 1d4
7 of hearts
Radiant Barrage
1d10+int radiant damage 120ft
Passive: If the sky is unobscured, the weapon may be converted into a mortar that fires radiant bolts, converting the weapon to a 5ft radius WIS save, which may be cast at any point with access to the sky, even without line of sight. The weapon may be used as a normal ranged attack, regardless of sky conditions
Active: 3 points: If the sky is unobscured, all creatures within 120ft of the fateweaver must make a DEX saving throw or be surrounded by a white glow. Attacks made against affected creatures have advantage, and they can be seen through walls and invisibility by the party. The effect persists for 1 minute or until dispelled. Requires concentration
8 of hearts
Shade Strike
1d8+int necrotic damage 80ft
Passive: Using the weapon while hidden allows you to roll a stealth roll to remain hidden. Using the weapon while invisible will not break invisibility
Active: 3 points: Cast invisibility on yourself or a party member using a bonus action rather than an action. This ability may be used once outside of combat. Using the active does not discard Shade Strike.
9 of hearts
Poisonous Stream
1d8+int poison damage 60ft
Passive: Any target hit must make a CON save or take 1d4 poison damage
Active: 1 points, as a bonus action, infuse the next attack with a potent poison. The next attack with either the Poisonous Stream or the offhand forces the creature to make a CON save on a successful hit, becoming poisoned on a failure until the start of your next turn.
At levels 5, 11, and 17, passive ability damage increases by 1d4
10 of hearts
Acid Vials
1d8+int acid damage 80ft
Passive: Targets hit have their AC reduced by 2 until the beginning of your next turn
Active: 3 points: throw an explosive glob of acid that detonates at the beginning of your next turn. In a 40ft radius, all creatures must make a CON save or take 2d10 acid damage, or half as much on a success
At levels 5, 11, and 17, active ability damage increases by 2d10
jack of hearts
Ice Spike
1d10+int cold damage 80ft
Passive: targets hit have their movement slowed by 10ft until the start of your next turn
Active: 2 points: in a region indicated by a 40 ft cube centered at a point you can see, becomes covered in slick ice. Creatures who walk on this surface must make a DEX save or fall prone. The region lasts for 1 minute. Requires concentration
queen of hearts
Thunder Hammer
2d6+int thunder damage melee
Passive: When used, all available attacks are consumed, and the damage is increased by 4d6 for every attack beyond the first.
Active: 4 points, As a bonus action, gain an extra action to be used by the other weapon in your hand. You are now restricted to using the other weapon until your next turn.
king of hearts
Flow of Force
1d8+int force damage, 60ft
Passive: Once per turn, a missed attack may be rolled again against a different target
Active: 1 point: as a reaction, attempt to block an attack targeted against yourself or an ally in range. Their AC becomes boosted by 1d8 against the attack
ace of hearts
1d8 +int bludgeoning 60ft
Passive: Targets hit may be forcefully moved 10ft closer to you in a straight line
Active: 2 points: the target must make a STR save or become tethered to you by a set of chains, becoming incapable of moving outside of their current distance from you. At the beginning of the tethered target’s turn, you may deal an extra 1d8 bludgeoning damage as the chains constrict the target. The target may repeat the save once per turn to free themselves, spending half their movement to do so.
At levels 5, 11, and 17, active ability damage increases by 1d8
2 of spades
Flame Blade
1d8+int fire damage, melee
Passive: Targets hit must make a DEX save or be lit on fire, taking 1d4 fire damage at the beginning of their turn, repeating the save to put it out.
Active: 1 point: slash the blade in the air, creating a 30ft cone in front of you. Targets must make a DEX save or be lit on fire and take an instant 1d4 fire damage.
At levels 5, 11, and 17, fire damage increases by 1d4
3 of spades
Acid Flail
1d10+int acid damage, melee
Passive: Targets hit have disadvantage on CON saves until the beginning of your next turn.
Active: 3 point: Create a 10ft radius pool of acid on the ground. When the pool is created, targets inside must make a CON save or take 4d6 acid damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. Any target that ends their turn in the acid or passes through it takes 4d6 acid damage. The pool lasts for 1 minute or until dispelled. Requires concentration
At levels 5, 11, and 17, active ability damage increases by 4d6
4 of spades
Chilling Crossbow
1d10+int necrotic damage, 80ft
Passive: Targets hit cannot receive healing until the start of your next turn
Active: 1 point: As a bonus action, allow the crossbow to utilize the life force of enemies. Any creature affected by this weapon's passive will release bolts of life force upon death (or redeath), dealing 2d6 necrotic damage to up to two targets within 60ft of the creature.
At levels 5, 11, and 17, active ability damage increases by 2d6
5 of spades
Radiant Morningstar
1d8+int radiant damage, melee
Passive: For every successful hit, heal a creature within 60ft for healing equal to 1d4
Active: 2 points: release a wave of healing energy, heal up to 6 creatures within 60ft of you for 1d4+int health
At levels 5, 11, and 17, active ability healing increases by 1d4
6 of spades
Frost Halberd
1d10+int cold damage, melee, reach
Passive: Targets hit must make a CON save or have their movement reduced by 20ft
Active: 3 points: Target a point of space within 80ft. Any targets within a 20ft radius centered at this point are battered by a storm of sharp ice and must make a DEX save or take 4d6 cold damage, taking half as much on a success.
at levels 5, 11, and 17, active ability damage increases by 4d6
7 of spades
Shield of Force
1d8+int force damage, melee
Passive: If the shield was used to make an attack, your ac increases by 2 until the start of your next turn.
Active: 1 point: As a bonus action, a target of your choice in melee range must make a CHA save. On a failure, the target has disadvantage on attacks until the start of your next turn.
8 of spades
Trident of the Storm
1d10+int lightning damage, 60ft
Passive: Any other targets within 5ft of the target hit are hit by 1d10 lighting damage.
Active: 2 points: As a bonus action, charge your attacks with electricity. Any successful attacks you make for the remainder of your turn will arc electricity at any targets within 15ft of the target hit, dealing 1d10 lightning damage
at levels 5, 11, and 17, passive ability damage increases by 1d10
9 of spades
Shurikens of Displacement
1d8+int piercing damage, 80ft
Passive: Targets hit by the shurikens are teleported to a location within 10ft of their current position on solid ground. This location is chosen by you
Active: 1 points: Using a bonus action, your body is surrounded by mirror projections of yourself, all attacks made against you until the beginning of your next turn are done at disadvantage
10 of spades
Psychic Boomerang
1d8+int psychic damage, 80ft
Passive: Targets hit must move from the space they are currently standing by the beginning of your next turn, or the boomerang returns, hitting them for another 1d8+int psychic damage
Active: 3 points: Using an action, the boomerang splits and seeks out all targets in an 80ft radius from yourself. Make a single attack using the boomerang against all targets
at levels 5, 11, and 17, the active ability make another attack (up to 4)

Created by

Saint Hellion.

Statblock Type

Generic, Text
