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Tilly Mctannigan

Small Gnome, Purveyor of All Magical Items, Neutral

Armor Class 22
Hit Points ???
Speed: 30 ft Fly: 400 ft


( +1 )


( +9 )


( +15 )


( +15 )


( +5 )


( +15 )

Skills Tilly has the ability to create magical items to be sold, even unique items that may not exist yet, his shops harness the power to create things someone might need, for the right price.
Damage Resistances All
Damage Immunities Fire, Cold, Ice, Lightning, Acid, Poison.
Condition Immunities Stun, Blind, Restraint, Poison, Disease,
Senses Truesight, Darvision, Tremorsense.
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Giant, Gnomish, Goblin, Halfling, Orc, Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Deep Speech, Infernal, Primordial, Sylvan, Undercommon, Adoralunian, Adoralunian Hand Cant, Thieves Cant, Squirrel, Beargodish, Tilly.
Challenge Rating ???


A gnome standing at an even three foot with almost another foot of hat. He has a scraggly, steely grey beard that covers his entire front and he wears a robe of various colors that is made almost entirely of pockets. He has a clever and keen look about him and speaks in an overly friendly businessman's voice. He cares only for gold, profit, and those who are looking to buy from his shops. He has no interest in mundane objects what so ever. He is missing some of his further back teeth and it shows when he smiles.


You're worth as much as your coin pouch is heavy. After that, unless you're wanting to work, you're worthless.


Tillies bonds lie with himself and himself alone. His loyalties only go so far as ones coins do.


Greed: There is nothing he wont do for money.

Suggested Environments

Usually in any city, town, or even sometimes on the road! He's a man of his travels and can be found almost anywhere a shopkeep could be found.

Spell Attacks: d20 + 25
Spell Save DC: 33

At will: Cantrips (0 level) Acid Splash Chill Touch Dancing Lights Fire Bolt Light Mage Hand Mending Message Minor Illusion Poison Spray Prestidigitation Ray of Frost Shocking Grasp True Strike
1st Level Alarm Burning Hands Charm Person Color Spray Comprehend Languages Detect Magic Disguise Self Expeditious Retreat False Life Feather Fall Find Familiar Floating Disk Fog Cloud Grease Hideous Laughter Identify Illusory Script Jump Longstrider Mage Armor Magic Missile Protection from Evil and Good Shield Silent Image Sleep Thunderwave Unseen Servant
2nd level Acid Arrow Alter Self Arcane Lock Arcanist's Magic Aura Blindness/Deafness Blur Continual Flame Darkness Darkvision Detect Thoughts Enlarge/Reduce Flaming Sphere Gentle Repose Gust of Wind Hold Person Invisibility Knock Levitate Locate Object Magic Mouth Magic Weapon Mirror Image Misty Step Ray of Enfeeblement Rope Trick Scorching Ray See Invisibility Shatter Spider Climb Suggestion Web
3rd level Animate Dead Bestow Curse Blink Clairvoyance Counterspell Dispel Magic Fear Fireball Fly Gaseous Form Glyph of Warding Haste Hypnotic Pattern Lightning Bolt Magic Circle Major Image Nondetection Phantom Steed Protection from Energy Remove Curse Sending Sleet Storm Slow Stinking Cloud Tiny Hut Tongues Vampiric Touch Water Breathing
4th level Arcane Eye Banishment Black Tentacles Blight Confusion Conjure Minor Elementals Control Water Dimension Door Fabricate Faithful Hound Fire Shield Greater Invisibility Hallucinatory Terrain Ice Storm Locate Creature Phantasmal Killer Polymorph Private Sanctum Resilient Sphere Secret Chest Stone Shape Stoneskin Wall of Fire
5th level Animate Objects Arcane Hand Cloudkill Cone of Cold Conjure Elemental Contact Other Plane Creation Dominate Person Dream Geas Hold Monster Legend Lore Mislead Modify Memory Passwall Planar Binding Scrying Seeming Telekinesis Telepathic Bond Teleportation Circle Wall of Force Wall of Stone
6th level Chain Lightning Circle of Death Contingency Create Undead Disintegrate Eyebite Flesh to Stone Freezing Sphere Globe of Invulnerability Guards and Wards Instant Summons Irresistible Dance Magic Jar Mass Suggestion Move Earth Programmed Illusion Sunbeam True Seeing Wall of Ice
7th level Arcane Sword Delayed Blast Fireball Etherealness Finger of Death Forcecage Magnificent Mansion Mirage Arcane Plane Shift Prismatic Spray Project Image Reverse Gravity Sequester Simulacrum Symbol Teleport
8th level Antimagic Field Antipathy/Sympathy Clone Control Weather Demiplane Dominate Monster Feeblemind Incendiary Cloud Maze Mind Blank Power Word Stun Sunburst
9th level Astral Projection Foresight Gate Imprisonment Meteor Swarm Power Word Kill Prismatic Wall Shapechange Time Stop True Polymorph Weird Wish

Legendary Actions

Tilly Mctannigan has unlimited spell slots and may cast two spells in a single action.
All spells are cast as level 9 spells unless he wishes them specifically to be weakened
10th level Spell casting. Tilly Mctannigan is able to bend the laws of magic to his well and cast spells at a level previously not known to exist. Spells cast at this level cannot be dispelled, are permenant in their duration and always max die roll (damage, checks, etc etc)

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Statblock Type

NPC Sheet
