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Circle of the Veil

Few and far between, Druids of the Circle of the Veil exist in the far outreaches of society, where the innate magic of the world is at its weakest, or at its most volatile. Both guardians and heralds of destruction, these druid wield the very fabric of reality as their weapon, against those that threaten to tear it apart, or those that already have. The Circle of the Veil, act mostly out of fear that the Veil itself will fall apart, and what it exists to protect us from will escape into this mortal realm, so they work tirelessly to assure such a thing never happens.
hit dice: d8 per Circle of the Veil Level
hit points at 1st level: See Druid
hit points at higher levels: See Druid
armor proficiencies: See Druid
weapon proficiencies: See Druid
tools: See Druid
saving throws: See Druid
starting equipment:
class features:

Restorative Veil

  2nd-level Circle of the Veil feature Your link to the flow and innate magic of the world allows you to tap into its latent power. Manipulating the veil in this way allows you to heal a creature for 1d6 + your proficiency level when you expend a 1st level spell slot, adding an additional d6 for every level spell slot expended above 1st. Additionally, when you defeat an enemy creature, your next damaging spell or attack deals an extra 1d6. This bonus damage increases to 2d6 at 10th level.  

Pull of the Abyss

6th-level Circle of the Veil feature You gain the ability to call directly upon the rift and cause it to pull itself apart. As an action, you can expend a use of your Wild Shape feature to create a 15-foot cube of magical energy up to 30 feet away for 1 minute. When a creature moves into the cube or starts its turn there it takes 1d6 Force damage. The force damage increases to 1d8 at 10th level, and 1d10 at 14th level. Additionally the cube counts as difficult terrain and gives disadvantage to saving throws while inside.  

Fury of the Rift

10th-level Circle of the Veil feature The power behind Pull of the Abyss improves. Creatures that start their turn inside the cube must make a Constitution Saving Throw equal to your spell save DC, on a failure the creature becomes stunned. The creature can repeat the Constitution Saving Throw on its next turns to end the effect. Additionally, you can expend another Wild Shape charge while the rift is active to cause the magic to explode, dealing 3d8 force damage to all creatures in the cube.  

Devouring Crown

14th-level Circle of the Veil feature While Pull of the Abyss is active, you can use a bonus action to transfer the energy to your body. Moving the cube with you and granting you advantage on all attack and spell attack rolls. While Devouring Crown is active and you reach 0 hit points, Devouring Crown immediately ends, dealing damage as if it had exploded via Fury of the Rift and healing you for the exact damage dealt, minimum of 1 hit point. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
subclass options:
Druid LevelFeature
2ndRestorative Veil
6thPull of the Abyss
10thFury of the Rift
14thDevouring Crown

Created by

Second Default.

Statblock Type

Class Features
