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Hackne Mitra Silvermask (Miss U)

Wizard, Lore 11 // Cleric, Nature 1 || (12 total) 12 Class & Level
Majital, Mirage Born Background
Deep Gnome Race
Neutral Good Alignment

Strength 10
Dexterity 12
constitution 13
intelligence 20
wisdom 13
charisma 10
Total Hit Dice 9
Hit Die 1d10+1
4 proficiency bonus
13 Passive perception
0 Strength
1 Dexterity
1 Constitution
8 Intelligence
2 Wisdom
0 Charisma
saving throws
1 Acrobatics
1 Animal Handling
13 Arcana
0 Athletics
1 Deception
13 History
1 Insight
1 Intimidation
5 Investigation
1 Medicine
13 Nature
1 Perception
1 Performance
1 Persuasion
13 Religion
1 Sleight of Hands
5 Stealth
1 Survival
Hit Points
25 ft
Common, Gnomish, and Undercommon

Heavy armor, simple weapons, shields
Level 6: Spell save DC 16

5 charges of level 3 magic missile


  • Chill Touch

  • Prestidigitation

  • Mending

  • Minor Illusion

  • Guidance

  • Spare the Dying

  • Thaumaturgy

  • Druidcraft

  • Fire Bolt

  • Control Flames(?)

  • Produce Flame

  • Create Bonfire

First Level

  • Identify(At will)

  • Detect Magic(At will)

  • Comprehend Languages

  • Expeditious retreat

  • Feather fall

  • Magic Missile

  • Shield

  • Silent Image

  • Sleep

  • Find Familiar

  • Inflict Wounds

  • Healing Word

  • Bless

  • Inflict Wounds

  • Animal Friendship

  • Speak With Animals

  • Burning Hands

Second Level

  • Hold person

  • Mirror Image

  • Misty Step

  • Detect Thoughts

  • Feelin' Good

  • Continual Flame

  • Flame Blade

  • Flaming Sphere

  • Scorching Ray

Third Level

  • Sending

  • Fly

  • Counter spell

  • Dispel Magic

  • Fireball

Fourth Level

  • Dimension Door

  • Private Sanctum

  • Polymorph

  • Fire Shield

  • Wall of Fire

Fifth Level

  • Wall of Force

  • Flame Strike

Sixth Level

  • True Seeing

  • Investiture of Flame

Fifth Level
2nd Level Enchantment Spell
Higher level of Bless, summons exactly like bless except it's a healing that's rolled in the beginning of the turn and it heals that much that turn
3 rules of swamp magic

Spirit Herald – Speak with special dead characters
The Call of Chaos – Make fights more difficult in exchange for double rewards.
Bonus Sections – Vaults and Bestiaries
Lorian’s Lost Wisdom – Gather peieces of Lorians wisdom to uncover hidden powers
Shield, Banjo for SWAMP MAGIC(Arcane focus)
2 greater healing,
revivify potions and
6 lesser healing potions
Fly Potion
3 Haste scrolls
4 Dispel Magic
Crystal rose from Kai
The Sinister Sept

Notes on aberrations.

0 gold

History book acquired in wizard's tower

The box with all the stupid crazy scrolls + Secrets of Kazza'huil scroll

Rod with power word Open, it might protect you from all other power words as well.

The Burning Visage (worth 11,000GP)

Provides resistance to fire

All fire damage spells cast by the user deal additional damage to the spell level. Cantrips deal 1 extra damage.

If you are a caster you treat all fire spells as if they were on your spell list.

Staff of Undulating Sight (worth 35,000GP)

Provides immunity to sneak attack damage, unless the attack is a critical hit.

Once per day you may use one of the following attacks.

Charm Ray

Paralyzing ray

Fear Ray

Slowing Ray

Enervation Ray

Telekenetic Ray

Sleep Ray

Petrification Ray

Disintegration Ray

Death Ray

Annointed Court Mage Robes of Temperance

AC 16

Advantage on saving throws vs curse effects

Allies have advantage on saving throws vs your spells

Mask from Braktor
Spirelord Robemail (RIP)
Provides an AC of 16 (does not interfere with spellcasting)

At the start of combat, you may choose a single elemental damage type. You gain resistance to that damage type for the remainder of the combat.

Whenever you would suffer a critical hit, you may sacrifice a spell slot. If you do, you may reduce the damage from that attack by 10 x the spell slot level.
Will Smith's gloves(Binding Gloves)

They are not magical item but they are a masterwork item for crafting. When worn anyone who can channel magic they can mold will.
Also unlocks soul prestige classes, such as soul painter.

Personality Traits



Runethares statues/blessed places are now protected rests.

Observant feat

War Caster feat

Superior Darkvision. Accustomed to life underground, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Gnome Cunning. You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.

Stone Camouflage. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks to hide in rocky terrain.

Marriage to Braktor: +2 AC if within 30 ft of Braktor

Alchemical Casting
At 6th level, you learn to augment spells in a variety of ways. When you cast a spell with a spell slot, you can expend one additional spell slot to augment its effects for this casting, mixing the raw stuff of magic into your spell to amplify it. The effect depends on the spell slot you expend.

An additional 1st-level spell slot can increase the spell’s raw force. If you roll damage for the spell when you cast it, increase the damage against every target by 2d10 force damage. If the spell can deal damage on more than one turn, it deals this extra force damage only on the turn you cast the spell.

An additional 2nd-level spell slot can increase the spell’s range. If the spell’s range is at least 30 feet, it becomes 1 mile.

An additional 3rd-level spell slot can increase the spell’s potency. Increase the spell’s save DC by 2.

Prodigious Memory
At 10th level, you have attained a greater mastery of spell preparation. As a bonus action, you can replace one spell you have prepared with another spell from your spellbook. You can't use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.

Path of the Omoyoi

Omoyo Charm

You gain access to the ability to create charms. These act as scrolls, accept you can attach them to creatures and attach readied actions to them as triggered activation, You can also attach these to objects or terrain.
Features & Traits

Created by


Statblock Type

Character Sheet (2018)
