Bounty Hunter
For as long as you can remember, you've found that you had a propensity for reading others. Understanding their motives, watching their emotions change as you pull the truth out of them; you've always had a knack for getting just what you want out of people.
As you grew, you found that finding those that didn't want to be found came naturally to you. No matter where they hid, no matter who they paid to conceal them, you always found your mark. Your talents came in handy for finding those running from the consequences of their own actions.
When you choose this background, discuss the kinds of bounties you may have taken in the past with your DM. Did you only take ones officially issued by a governing force? Or did you offer your services to anyone who had a desire to find someone and a willingness to pay for your services? Would anyone you've had contact with hold a grudge? Are you hunting someone now?
Skill Proficiencies Intimidation, Investigation
Tool Proficiencies Disguise kit
Languages One of your choice
Equipment A portable ram, a set of manacles, 50 feet of hempen rope, a parchment with the drawn face of a current or past mark, and a belt pouch containing 15 GP
Find the Mark
Due to your intimidating nature, people are inclined to give you the information you want to know. You are allowed in places that common folk would be barred from (such as prison cells or guard towers) in order to ask questions or interrogate others. When questioned, common folk are more likely to answer your questions and tell you the information you want to know, if they have it.
Suggested Characteristics
Bounty hunters are intimidating people who often make others feel like they're being shaken down for information, even when they're not. Their true selves are often much more complex, but rarely are others allowed close enough to see it.
Personality | D8 1d8 |
1 | I always have a backup for when things go wrong |
3 | I exude an aura of calmness, even when I'm angry |
4 | The first thing I do when I'm in a new place is located every possible exit, in case of trouble |
5 | The best way to get me to do something is to tell me I can't do it |
6 | I am set off at the slightest insult |
7 | I am excellent at remembering faces |
8 | I hate being the center of attentions |
Ideals | D6 1d6 |
1 | Fairness: These people run from the law, and should be brought to justice. (Lawful) |
2 | Community: Those who hide are a danger to themselves and others. (Good) |
3 | Honesty: I have the talents to find these people, I might as well make use of it. (Neutral) |
4 | Greed: I don't care who I bring in, as long as I get paid. (Evil) |
5 | No Limits I get to go where I want and shake people down until I find what I'm looking for. (Chaotic) |
6 | Honor: It is a respectable profession to find those who would run from the law. (Any) |
Bonds | D6 1d6 |
1 | I bring in marks because a criminal once took something from me that I can never recover |
2 | I'm trying to pay off an old debt I owe to an untrustworthy benefactor |
3 | Someone I loved died because of a mistake I made. That will never happen again |
4 | I am guilty of a crime, but have started a new life to escape it |
5 | I pursued this lifestyle to fuel my love of conflict |
6 | I will do anything to prove myself superior to everyone I am tasked with recovery |
Flaws | D6 1d6 |
1 | When faced with a choice between money and my friends, I usually choose the money |
2 | I make plans, and am inflexible in changing them, even when things go wrong |
3 | I once accused a noble of being my mark, and he still wants my head |
4 | I am so stoic that I often seem troubled or upset |
5 | I have a weakness for the vices of the city, especially hard drink |
6 | I have trouble trusting my allies |