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Pirate Goblin

Ability Score Increase +2 Dex, +2 Int or Cha
Size Small
Speed 30ft, 20ft swim

Water-Borne - You were born on the water, you are proficient with vehicles that sail on water.
Sea Bearer - You have a natural +3 to all con saves if you must make one while at sea and being on the sea effects it (seasickness for an Example)
Ship work hand - With you being used to the movement of a boat while traveling, you do not lose any movement while you are on the boat.
Gunsmith of (Your choice of a firearm) - You are proficient with any checks to create a gun your chosen firearm type.
Gunshot blitz - On a critical hit with a gun of the chosen type from the prior ability. You regain 1 grit point if you use grit points. You deal an extra 1d6 additionally.

Languages. You know the following languages, Gobling, Common, and Primordial (Aquan)

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