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Druid 5 Class & Level

Strength 10
Dexterity 14
constitution 16
intelligence 11
wisdom 20
charisma 14
Total Hit Dice 5
Hit Die
+3 proficiency bonus
+0 Strength
+2 Dexterity
+3 Constitution
+3 Intelligence
+8 Wisdom
+2 Charisma
saving throws
+2 Acrobatics
+5 Animal Handling
+0 Arcana
+0 Athletics
+5 Deception
+0 History
+8 Insight
+2 Intimidation
+0 Investigation
+5 Medicine
+0 Nature
+8 Perception
+2 Performance
+2 Persuasion
+0 Religion
+5 Sleight of Hands
+5 Stealth
+8 Survival
skills ARMOR: Light armor, medium armor, shields (druids will not wear armor or use shields made of metal) WEAPONS: Clubs, daggers, darts, javelins, maces, quarterstaffs, scimitars, sickles, slings, spears TOOLS: Herbalism kit | Woodcarver's tools LANGUAGES: Common, Druidic, Sylvan | Elvish, Dwarvish, Halfling proficiencies

Armor Class
Hit Points
30 ft
CHAR LVLArmaAtaqueHPsTipo
1Quarterstaff 1d20+2 1d6 bludg
Shillelagh 1d20+8 1d8+5
2Wild Shape
2Balm of the Summer Court 1d6
10Hidden Paths
14Walker in Dreams
4Produce Flame d20+8 2d8 fire
1 [known: wis + lvl] Cure Wounds 1d8+2
1 [10]Faerie Firedex
1Detect Magic
1 Charm Personwis, adv f
3Lesser Restoration
3Flaming Spheredex, half 2d6
3Pass Without Trace
3Locate Object
5Dispel Magicif <4 d20+8
(features and traits)

Druid Circle of Dreams

Passive Perception: 18
Passive Investigation: 10
Passive Insight: 18

Wooden shield
Leather armor
Druidic focus (can double as quarterstaff)
Eplorer’s pack (mochila, saco de dormir, mess kit -cup and simple cutlery, the box clamps together, and one side can be used as a cooking pan and the other as a plate or shallow bowl-, caja de cerillos, 10 antorchas, 10 días de raciones, saco de agua, 50 feet of Hempen rope)
Personality Traits
Spell slots leveling: Spell Slots
HEARTH OF MOONLIGHT AND SHADOW: At 6th level, when starting a rest you touch a point in space, and an invisible, 30-foot-radius sphere of magic appears, centered on that point. Total cover blocks the sphere. While within the sphere, you and your allies gain a +5 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) and Wisdom (Perception) checks, and any light from open flames in the sphere (a campfire, torches, or the like) isn't visible outside it. The sphere vanishes at the end of the rest or when you leave the sphere.

TIMELESS BODY: Starting at 18th druid level, the primal magic that you wield causes you to age more slowly. For every 10 years that pass, your body ages only 1 year.

Heroes Enabled

The statblocks of your Weapons, armor and other important/magical equipment

The statblocks of your class features

[block: URCHIN;

City Secrets

You know the secret patterns and flow to cities and can find passages through the urban sprawl that others would miss. When you are not in combat, you (and companions you lead) can travel between any two locations in the city twice as fast as your speed would normally allow.
[block: EQUIPMENT; token from her house / traveler's clothes / herbalism kit / woodcarver's tools / 10 gp]
[block: FEATS; ritual caster]

Statblocks for your familiars, mounts etc.

Statblocks for race/species of the character.

[block: 2/5; Human]
[block: CHOSEN;


Ability Score Increase +2 Cha, +1 +1
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft

Age. Half-elves age at much the same rate as humans, reaching adulthood at the age of 20. They live much longer than humans, however, often exceeding 180 years.   Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.   Half-Elf Versatility. Choose one of the following traits:  

  • Skill Versatility (General). You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice.
  • Cantrip (High Elf Heritage). You know one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.
  • Elf Weapon Training (High or Wood Elf Heritage). You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.
  • Fleet of Foot (Wood Elf Heritage). Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet.
  • Mask of the Wild (Wood Elf Heritage). You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.
  • Drow Magic (Dark Elf Heritage). You know the Dancing Lights cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast Faerie Fire once, and it recharges after a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast Darkness once, and it recharges after a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
  • Swim Speed (Sea Elf Heritage). You have a swimming speed of 30 feet.
  LVL | - SPELLS - | CANTRIPS 1 | Dancing Lights | LVL 1 SPELLS 3 | Faerie Fire | dex | LVL 2 SPELLS 5 | Darkness

Languages. Common, Elven, +1

[block: 3; Tiefling (Fierna)]
[block: 3; Genasi]
[block: 2; Aasimar (Protector)]
[block: 3/2; Kalashtar]
[block: 2/5; Elf (Wood/Pallid]
[block: (languages]

Statblocks for companions, followers and other allies.

[block: BACKSTORY;

Tails of Ezesstra

mother: Torvi Verlack
father: Anthor Blackwood
familiar: ludwig, owl
age: 25
Orion is 3 years older
5'2", 54 kg, clouded eyes in white, short brown hair up to her chin, slightly freckled cheeks, somewhat rough features considering her elven background, with some very faint scars, pointy ears, as is expected, harsher burnt scars over his arms that she covers with bandages, tends to wear long coats, boots, and is accompanied by a tiny elf owl, she carries a wooden staff and a necklace with two small wooden feathers hanging from it, painted black
hard headed and stubborn, most of the time she's dry, cynical and not very approachable, although not particularly rude. she's used to be seen as strange, and has long stopped caring. she's terrible at handling her emotions, often attempting to squash them inside, which is difficult, since when she does feel something, it is quite intense. she does harbor kindness inside her, though, which often surprises those around her when she lets it show. tends to be overly paranoid about people finding her, trying to avoid attention, but is otherwise quite impulsive, and finds joy and bravery in such acts.
she believes firmly that the strong must protect the weak, and is aversed to forms of punishment and revenge, instead preffering to take on defensive acts. she's starting to believe, with her own journey, that it is possible for someone to change, and, perhaps, be redeemed.
Astrid was born from a poor human woman named Torvi Verlack and an elven man of noble birth; Anthor Blackwood. Torvi was the third daughter of two farmers, and she'd found herself working as a servant for Anthor when she was around 18. Anthor was 21, and tired of the new responsabilities that the passing of his father had left him with. He saw this woman as a welcomed distraction, that was, until she became pregnant with his child.
He gave her some money, and sent her back home, not wanting his reputation to be smeared. Torvi was heartbroken, having been infatuated with him, but she did as told. Unfortunanely, Astrid was born with a problem in her eyes, and as the years passed, she became blind. When Astrid was four her mother realized she couldn't take care of her daughter, couldn't give her the extra care she required, or any hope of a good life. She returned to Anthor to beg him to reconsider, and with this new information, he begrudgingly did. He told people he'd adopted her out of the goodness of his heart. He was cold, and distant towards her, saw her disability as an extension of the filthy human blood she carried.
Astrid grew in loneliness. Anthor's house was not a welcoming place, populated by servants and the occasional mistress. If he had any siblings, they were not around. Occassionaly, his mother would visit, but it was after only a few years that she fell ill and passed as well. Often, she daydreamed of a better life, her own little world where things were alright. It was like that, and with her constant wanderings in the surroundings forests, that she discovered she had a knack for the arcane.
It was like that that she caught the eye of Orion. She met him when she was 16, and he was 19. He was a human man with visible burnt scars over his face, and arms. Something terrible had been done to him by powerful people he would not name, and, although Astrid did not know it at the time, he was seeking revenge.
He was also a practicioner in magic, and was able to teach Astrid more about it. As time passed, her admiration grew. Slowly, he began to ask her for more favors. She was reluctant at first, but eventually gave in. He'd ask for her help on small tasks, as she had a great cover as a blind, helpless young woman, he'd ask her to scout places, to spy on people, or, sometimes, to steal things. One day, however, she stuck around to observe what he did with one of the people she'd told him about, and found Orion murdering the man.
She was distressed, considered running away. She didn't, though, instead she confronted him about it, and they argued. Orion said he "needed to make her understand." This was not the first time he'd said such a thing, she'd sometimes used his magic to burn the skin on her arms, but it had never been with such conviction.
She was 19 when she returned to her father's home. She knew what Orion was planning to do, and she helped him find an opening. They snuck inside, and he set the room his father was in ablaze. Through the crumbling wooden door, Astrid saw his father burning. She tried to cover her eyes, but it was not with them that she was watching; Orion had used a spell to show her. She sobbed, and he held her. "Now you understand," he said.
For a while, she believed him, believed that she could follow him, and his plans, and be happy. More time passed, and eventually, he wished to test her. He asked her to kill someone, one of the people they were tracking. It was when Astrid felt the life of that woman extinguishing under her touch that she realized... she could not do it. She could not bare to do what he wanted of her.
So, at 22, she ran away.
Now she's hiding from Orion, a bit directionless, with a strong want to see her mother again, yet knowing she's probably too far away to do so.

Statblocks for your spells.

Statblocks for your Trinkets, businesses, building, castles, empires.

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Statblock Type

Character Sheet (Legacy)
