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Shaman Summoner's Staff

Staff Druidic focus, +1 to spell attacks and spell save DC Varies (this item requires attunement)

While not in beast shape the staff can hold concentration for one conjuration spell of 3rd level or lower. This concentration is broken if you drop the staff, wild shape, drop unconscious or die. The staff can do this once per day. It resets after a long rest.
  Once the attuned creature gains the ability to cast 7th level spells, the staff can hold concentration of spells of 4th level or lower, and can additionally concentrate on spells from the Abjuration and Transmutation schools.
Once the attuned creature gains the ability to cast 9th level spells, the staff can hold concentration of spells of 5th level or lower, and can additionally concentrate on spells from all schools of magic.


Created by

Angel Varuh.

Statblock Type

