D&D 5.5e
Surgical Kit
Adventuring Gear Varies
Definitively, an ensemble of tools used for precisely cutting, breaking and putting back together flesh. Using a surgical kit has a list of requirements:
- A surgical kit has unlimited uses, however must be cleaned over the course of a short rest after each use. If not done so, the next person operated on must succeed at a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or contract an Infection from the Lingering Injuries table.
- A surgical kit requires the user to be proficient to in the Medicine skill, otherwise the user must pass a DC 15 Healing Medicine skill check at the start of their using the Kit. If this check fails, the individual being operated on suffers from a Cut Artery from the Lingering Injuries table.
- Each use of the surgical kit subjects the operator to a DC 5 Medicine Check. If the operator fails this check, the individual being operated on suffers from the Cut Artery from the Lingering Injuries table.
- Each use of the surgical kit lasts up to an hour.
The surgical kit can be used to treat the following:
- Cut Artery from the Lingering Injuries table. If the person who is being operated on is already suffering from a Cut Artery, they take 10d4 more damage if using the kit fails.
- Broken Thyroid from the Lingering Injuries table.
- Broken Rib from the Lingering Injuries table.
- Concussion from the Lingering Injuries table.
- Lose a Leg, Lose an Arm, Lose an Eye from the Lingering Injuries table. The DC for using the kit this way changes from 5 to (15 + number of minutes this injury has affected the individual). This also requires the missing member intact and within possession of the operator.
- To Remove Chaos Ranks from a person. The DC for using the kit this way changes from 5 to (15 + the number of Chaos Ranks chosen to be removed).
Once used on an individual, they must take a Short Rest or be Incapacitated for an hour's time.
Cost: 30 gp Weight: 6 lbs.