has the Innate ability "self only levitate"
Has the ability "Minor annoyance" the creature's constant jingling of metals (or noise making) causes creatures within a 10 ft radius to make a constitution saving throw (beating a 9) or take 1d2 psychic damage and becomes agitated with the source of the noise.
Throw nugget. (amunition) The monster carries enough ammunition to make its Ranged Attacks. You can assume that a monster has 2d4 pieces of ammunition for a Thrown weapon Attack. Hit: 4 (1d4 +1)
Unarmed attack. The creature slaps with its tendrils or bites with its mouth for 1d4 damage Hit: 4(1d4 +1)
While in its nest the Chime Clinger will desperately try to defend its clutch of eggs and its horde. this will engage its fighting instinct. it will attack with ferocity and may use its large collection of trinkets as projectiles if it feels particularly threatened.
The nest of a Chime Clinger is filled with shiny metallic objects, often times bags of coins, bells, jewelry, and chains.
A small round creature that floats with a bulb of hot air on its head, It collects shiny jingly objects with its tendrils and creates its nests out of them.
Warm caves with heat vents, abandoned mine shafts, mining and smiting towns, ore rich mountains.